Sunday, January 24, 2010

What is the best way to get pregnant i use no birth control. We have been trying for a month. I'm confused?

A month of trying is not much. It could take a few months just to figure out when you're ovulating. Simply stopping birth control isn't enough for some women. You have to figure out when you're ovulating and make sure to have sex at that time.

There's tons of info on the Internet regarding ovulation and tracking your cycles. If you follow these guidelines you will increase your chances.

Also, please know that the average couple can take up to a year to conceive. So don't get discouraged if it doesn't happen right away.

Good luck!What is the best way to get pregnant i use no birth control. We have been trying for a month. I'm confused?
It may seem long but a month of trying is really not much. A very small % of couples actual get pregnant in the first month. For most its between 6 to 9months. They say people should not have too many concerns unless they've been trying for over a year.

Try not to stress about it.What is the best way to get pregnant i use no birth control. We have been trying for a month. I'm confused?
Just relax and keep practicing!

If you just got off hormonal birth control, it could take a while for your body to return to balance and you become pregnant.

A woman is not fertile all the time... You might want to look into Fertility Awareness programs like the rhythm method and paying attention to how the body changes over her cycle to know when she is fertile.
What is there to be confused about? if you think of all that is involved to make a baby really it's a miracle each and every time someone conceives. it takes awhle sometimes ,be patient and have fun trying.
after you are done having sex and he has ejaculated inside of you, you can put your feet in the air so the spem goes down...seriously it works
getting pregnant usually doesn't happen in one took me about 3months, some people take 6 months...if your younger, it should happen fast, older people it may take a little longer...I didn't really try, I just let it happen...Now I'm 9 weeks pregnant...
A month actually isn't that long, in respects to trying to conceive.

Okay, part of this is going to be graphic and icky, but here it is, icky part first:

Do not urinate or shower directly after sex. By urinating, you could be pushing the seamen out. As for the showering part, kind of the same logic, if you remember that sperm swims and people have gotten pregnant before by semen only near to, not actually ejaculated inside of the vagina. Anyway, this won't be critical but will very slightly increase your chances and if you want to get pregnant, increase your chances as much as possible. Also, keep the penis inside of you for a few minutes after he's finished. The most imporatant thing in this respect is to not urinate right after sex though. Have sex multiple times in a row. Whatever sperm is left in the man's urethra will be forced through the second climax. Sorry, I don't mean to be crude.

Another thing I think really helps is to eat the right foods. In my more holastic approach, I think that the better human home environment you make for a child, the more ready nature will be to give you one. Keep your life as stress-free as possible and keep a positive attitude(this kind of goes along with the eating right theory)

Now the ';normal'; advice. Get an ovulator to see when you're ovulating and what days during the month you will be most likely to become pregnant. Also, talk to your doctor about certain vitamines you can take.

If after say, 4 or 5 months of trying and still no results, have both you and your husband or whoever it is you're trying to get pregnant with, consult your respective doctors to see if there is anything going on.

Best to you, I hope that you get what you wish!
it doesn't always happen the first time you try. the best time to try to conceive is when you're ovulating. you ovulate 11-17 days after your period.
In order to get pregnant, you must have sex while you are ovulating. A woman ovulates around the 14th day after her period, give or take a day or two. So, if you start your period on the 1st of the month, you can get pregnant the 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, or 16th. Those are the days you should be trying like crazy. Trust me on this one. I followed this last month and I'm already pregnant.

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