Sunday, January 24, 2010

I don't know what to do with my two year old son? I am pregnant and have no control of him.?

I am so tired all the time. My son is fighting me in every way possiable. I can not get him to even try to potty train, talk very much or even just do what I ask. I love him so much and I feel so helpless. I have no one to go to for help around me. I want to be a good mom. Please Help.I don't know what to do with my two year old son? I am pregnant and have no control of him.?
You must be exhausted i've got a son who's nearly two myself and this age is such hard work!i think put your health first at the moment potty training is no go at the moment so don't put any pressure on yourself to potty train him just put the potty in his sight and let him know it's there if he wants to use it keep reminding him of it but don't worry about it there's no rush.don't worry about housework just do what you can.i found my son made such a mess around the house but then i started spending the time playing with him instead and i found i wasn't picking up after him all day because his attention was focused on me instead of being destructive.don't beat yourself up you love him you are a good mother don't doubt your own abilitys pregnancy can be tough and looking after a toddler on your own too can be a real challenge.take things day by day try and enjoy time you spend with him while it's just you and him before the baby comes.he's at a difficult age it's neither of your faults just trust things will get better.I don't know what to do with my two year old son? I am pregnant and have no control of him.?
you are good mom! don't say things like that.

some kids that young do understand what's going on. especially if you are already preparing for the new baby.

remember terrible two's are for real and you are hormonal right now so it seems like it's crashing.

is he at home or in daycare?

my son loves going to daycare, he gets all his energy out while learning new stuff so it helped when i was preggers and when the baby came home.

my kids are two years two months apart. it was a struggle at first, even now sometimes still. my son always says he wants to be little again. it's heartbreaking.

maybe put him in some sort of class/school so he can feel like a ';little man';. he sounds like maybe he's a bit bored???

good luck and don't worry, and DO NOT beat yourself up!
Well, I don't know too much about potty training, but I do teach kids with special needs (they are teenagers, but their mental capabilities are of a toddler at best), so I may be able to help you get some control over your son. When you are asking him to do something, tell him, ';It's time to ______.'; If he refuses to do it on his own, cue him a second time and say, ';It's time to ______ or I will help you.'; If he still doesn't do it on his own, say ';Ok, I will help you,'; and help him by putting your hands on his to help him do whatever task you are asking him to do. If he begins to do it on his own, fade the hand-over-hand to give him more independence. Be sure to let him know when he will be finished, and give him a lot of praise when he is. It takes a lot of patience and consistency, but it will help him to learn. Using simple language will help him understand you better.

To help him speak more, it may be useful to know some simple sign language (such as: stop, more, finished, eat, drink, good, please, thank you, yes, no... etc) and use it when you are speaking to him. For some reason, the visual helps, even with children that are fully capable of speech. If he begins to cry over something, tell him ';use your words'; and wait for his response -- repeat the cue every 30 seconds or so until he complies. This will teach him that he must to use other ways than crying to get your attention and communicate his wants and needs.

Now you haven't mentioned behaviors, but if tantrums are a problem, I'm a big fan of time out. Choose a chair or a step in your house somewhere and make it the ';time out'; spot. It's recommended to equal the amount of minutes in time out to his age. So if he is two, then time out should last two minutes. If he tantrums, tell him ';You need to calm. Walk to your time out spot.'; Let him know if he moves from that spot, you will start the timer over again until he stays for the full two minutes. When the two minutes is up, tell him ';Time out is finished'; and comfort him if he needs comforting. If he still seems hyper, let him know he is free to calm on his own if he chooses. Ignore as much screaming and crying as you can. A lot of times, it's a child's way of calming, and the more attention you give, the more tantrumming will occur.

I hope this helps. Remember, the three rules are Patience, simple language, and consistency. Good luck. :)
You are a good are simply tired and frustrated. It happens to all of us. 2 yr olds are going through the tantrum stage and are learning how to push your buttons and manipulate you. Now might be the time to introduce a naughty chair, time out in the corner or some other method of punishment for acting up. The best way to take control of the situation is to tell him ''We don't behave like that in our house, please stop being silly'' then when he continues say ''hey, I asked you to stop that nonsence, I'm going to count to 5 and if you still aren't listening to me I will have to put you in the corner until you're ready to hear me'' The if you have to do it, do it.

When he realises that he won't get away with bad behaviour you should see a difference. You have to stick to your method though and take charge by persisting with it. The first few times will probably be very difficult but he will soon understand that the things he does have consequences. It's good for kids to learn this from an early age.

With regards to potty training...maybe leave it a while and try again in a couple of months. If he is not ready, pushing him to go is only going to scare him away from the potty. Boys generally take longer to train than girls. I know I tried on and off with my son from 18months on. It wasn't until he was 3 and a bit that he was ready and when he decided he was, it only took me 3 days to have him completely out of nappies.

Good luck, you are not alone. We all have these moments with our kids. Just keep persisting.
Here is the website to a great family ministry that has helped us a lot. We have three daughters, 9 1/2, 6 and 3 1/2. They are all well behaved and are joyfully obedient.
I've been trough this , i know it's not easy at all . The only advice than i can give you is to let him know that you love him , kids feel when something is happening . Or can put him to daycare for 2 or 3 days a weeks it will help you to get some rest and enjoyed him when he gets home , i wish you good luck !
Don't worry at all about the potty training or talking. My son did both at aged 3. He's now 3 and 8 months, talks just as well as his peers, and is dry in the day and night.

If you're not worrying about those things, you can focus all your energy on just being with him. What does he like doing? Painting, drawing, going to the park? Try doing those things with him more than usual, and give him lots of praise when he does something good.

You sound like a good mum, with a typical 2 year old :)

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