Friday, January 22, 2010

How do I get on Birth Control with no medical/ health insurance?

I'm looking into getting on birth control but I don't have the health insurance to cover the visit to the doctor. I'm 19 and don't plan on having a kid anytime soon. So I'd like to take the necessary precautions to avoid getting pregnant this soon. and I am a college student. If anyone could help point me to the right services to help me I would greatly appreciate it. How do I get on Birth Control with no medical/ health insurance?
If you don't have a Planned Parenthood near you, Your local Health dept. would be your best bet. They give free check ups and birth control. Better yet they will give you birth control pills, and condoms. We all know BC pills don't prevent STD';sHow do I get on Birth Control with no medical/ health insurance?
Planned Paernthood is sometimes free or based on your income. I went there as a kid. The most I ever had to pay there was 13 a month. Thats still worth it even at 50 if it avoids you getting pregnant when you dont want to. good luck.
go to a planned parenthood.
planned parenthood, tell them you dont have a job too

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