Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Spiritually speaking, why do people assume that we as humans have no self-control?

Like people believing that a priest's celibacy makes it inevitable that he would want to molest a child, or that it is not in the nature of sub-Saharan Africans to practice sexual chastity.Spiritually speaking, why do people assume that we as humans have no self-control?
I think many say that because they dont want to take responsibility of their actions. Saying that everyone needs sex is a lie.Many many people live happy celibate lives and are not missing anything. Also just to point out that being celibate does not make one a pedophile. People need to learn that there is more to life then sex.Spiritually speaking, why do people assume that we as humans have no self-control?
I don't believe that. I think the people who link celibacy to child molestation do so because they are laboring under the misconception that gay men are more likely to be pedophiles - which is not true. They think that a man who has no sexual outlet (and is most likely gay) will eventually snap and take advantage of the nearest thing which just may happen to be an altar boy.

Personally, I don't doubt that there are many people who are capable of take a vow of chastity and keeping to it. But I think it would be a struggle for the average person. Most people would break it by having sex with an adult though as most people do not have a mental illness that makes them want to have sex with young children.

I believe people are responsible for their own behavior. If you rape a person (any person) it is your doing, not the fault of some religious vow.
Because evidence has proven otherwise. You just pointed out 2 incidences which time and time again have shown that there is no self-control among those groups. Also, the number of children born to single mothers shows that women should exercise more self control and try sleeping with and getting pregnant by men that they are married to. If we as humans continue to exhibit behavior that suggests a lack of self-control, then people will assume that we as humans have none.
Whatever innate qualities and attributes humanity has, we must be educated to channel these qualities and attributes in ways that will benefit humanity. Without exception, we all need an educator. Who is the most perfectly suited to educate humanity? Those universal divine educators, the number of whom can be counted on both hands, and who are the true educators of humanity, that have appeared throughout history, have exerted an influence beyond that of any other historical phenomenon. These universal divine educators have included Abraham, Krishna, Moses, Zoraster, Buddha, Christ, Muhammad, and today the Promised One of All Ages is Baha'u'llah.
Most people not all of course are unwilling to accept responsibility for there own behavior and make excuses for behavior that they are in many cases guilty of, being done by some one else.Such as when a Priest or school teacher is found out they will self righteously claim the Priest was Gay or because he was Celibate and the Teacher because she or He was surrounded by little Children and one of them caught there eye of affection and the teacher's is excused because they were in love with the student. So this all to me makes Christ words all the more usable ';Judge not less you be Judged also.
spiritually speaking, why do you ask??

PEOPLE want to be their OWN gods (priest, satanist, or anyone in between) and define their OWN standard of righteousness... God is making HIS point since they don't want to submit to HIS righteousness.... how do you like the condition of the world?????
People like to stereotype groups to which they do not belong by pointing out the misbehavior or a few people in those groups. It makes them feel superior.
I would imagine that it's because there seems to be so much evidence which supports the notion.
that isnt me doing that..
um evidence and payoff

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