Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I feel like i have no control over my life?

because i really don't, should i just come to terms with the fact that i don't, maybe over some things but some things i don't.I feel like i have no control over my life?
You best get control, or go through the rest of your life being lead by a ring in your nose.I feel like i have no control over my life?
You have absolutely no control over your life, but you can control things in your life. For example, you can avoid certain situations, your actions do matter, and you have to watch out for what you don't see coming.

If you just decide you have no control over the events in your life, that decision right there is already changing its outcome.
But what is the need to control? And how can one control? Life is so vast that we can only be controlled; we cannot be the controllers.

The fear arises because you ask the impossible. The fear arises because you ask something which is not possible at all, which is not in harmony with the real. How can you control things? Just think of the immensity, the tremendous vastness of existence, and of how everything is so interconnected. How can you control it?

These are the two attitudes. The non-religious attitude is somehow to control, somehow to manipulate, somehow to dominate, somehow to boss. The religious attitude is understanding -- seeing the fact that the total is so vast and you are so tiny that even to say tiny seems to be too big... almost a non-being.

Even a drop is bigger. If you compare a drop with the ocean, and you compare a man with the totality, the drop is tremendously bigger than man -- proportionately, relatively. Man is not even a drop in this totality. Just think of a drop of water trying to control the ocean. And we are not even that! So fear arises.

But you are creating the fear -- it is your interpretation. A religious man is unafraid, fearless. Not that he is brave -- no. He is unafraid because he has dropped that whole nonsense of controlling. He allows himself to be controlled. A religious man is possessed by the whole. He says, 'I am nobody, so take possession of me and lead me wheresoever you will. Thy will be done. Thy kingdom come.'

That 'thy' is not a tiny god sitting somewhere, as christians think, with a crown on his head, on a golden throne with foolish angels all around

That 'thy' is this totality. There is no throne and no crown, no monarch, no king -- nothing: no king and no kingdom. That 'thy' is this vastness, this immenseness of existence ... this isness that surrounds you out and in, within and without. How can you try to control it? What are you asking?

Fear will arise... death will follow you like a shadow, because you know one day or other you will have to fall down and disappear.

But a religious man, in deep prayer, accepts even death. He says, 'I am just a wave. It was your play to have me. I am here, but when you are finished with the game I will retire. I will go back to sleep, deep sleep, into the ocean. Whenever you need me you can raise me again. I will be ready, but it is none of my business to bother about.' That's how one becomes fearless.

So just see the point -- and float, flow, and a deep relaxation will come to you. will surround vou. Your whole being will become graceful, because when there is no fear one is graceful. Then there is no dichotomy. There is no fight, no struggle... one simply accepts. One is in total acceptance. Just try to see that.

And if you want to be afraid, then it is okay. If you choose, then it is okay, otherwise there is no need. You live in total relaxation. Not trying, you become so calm and quiet. But just a tiny part struggling, the old taste continues, haunts you. One has to resist that. The ego enjoys fighting very much -- struggling, conquering. Drop that ego! Drop fighting and the ego drops.

People ask, 'How can we drop the ego?' They are asking again for a new fight. They say, 'How can we drop the ego? How can we fight this ego? Then again another ego will arise -- the ego of the humble man, the ego of the simple man, the ego of one who has renounced; religious, prayerful -- but the ego will arise again. And the second ego is going to be more subtle than the first, more poisonous, because it is more pious. And when poison becomes pious, of course it becomes more dangerous.

So simply look at the fact and float... and accept, mm? Then see what happens.
None of us really have control. Surrender to life and let it live through you. Easier said then done, with the ego being in control.
Go ahead and read Robin Sharma's book.....m sure you'll have control over your life..

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