Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why do you choose to live, when you did not choose to be born and have no control over the life you were given?

Why do you choose to live, when you did not choose to be born and have no control over the life you were given

Why not revolt against God or the Selfish gene?

We didn't choose the state of the world we would be born into, or our place in the world.

If the values of the actually existing world are contrary to our own, why not commit suicide rather than endure living under a moral system you find immoral?Why do you choose to live, when you did not choose to be born and have no control over the life you were given?
My own life chose screaming to be born in the very guise of me. I did not decide to get born, I do not remember to have decided to come to this world, to this Earth, to this oftenmost shallow vale of foes, of detractors, of sorrows and of bitter tears,

and neither did my own parents much decide to give me life, as at that time they were just throbbingly bluntly driven by their love instincts or by their sinful temptation.

Thus, my own life does now sort of have a wondrous or weird existence of its own, and I am compelled to respect that existence. I cannot barely decide to revolt against it, against the very source of it, or against that wondrous or weird destiny that my life may have.

If I do not daringly lovingly ever respect that existence and that will to live of my life, if I do not want to accept to more fiercely live that life of mine,

my life will ferociously react or revolt against me and will punish me very severely very painfully for not respecting it, for not ardently trying and satisfying its various needs.

There is some sort of eerie transcendental meaning behind all this that we may neither be able to catch nor to fetch. Not yet. Perhaps never at our present level of evolution. Perhaps later, perhaps after some wondrous or weird unimaginable metamorphosis that will make us understand, that hopefully will lead us towards some bright apotheosis of serenity and of perennial bliss on a glowing dazzling sun-kissed spring-time path towards Almighty God's ever loving nearness.

Have a merry non-sceptical dreamy laugh. Good luck.Why do you choose to live, when you did not choose to be born and have no control over the life you were given?
Because in most people the morals that they have in mind are better, in a sense of perspective, to them. They want to LIVE up to those morals, but if they die then their morals and philosophies, like yours for example, will disappear for example. This life is just one big illusion, and it is learning to break through the illusions to see the real world is the hardest thing, that I find, to do. If you don't mind doing some reading up, there is a small book, like not even 100 pages. It is a very interesting story. If you are interested IM or email me.

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