It is possible that your pet had an inflammation or infection of her bladder, or another health problem.
I would recommend you contact your vet.
Also, remember that spayed dogs live longer. They can not die from pyometria or uterus cancer. Every single heat that your dog goes through shaves years off of it's life. If you do not believe me, contact your vet.
People For Animals offers very very affordable spaying.I have a bull mastiff that is 9 months old 100% house trained.but last 2 days she has no control of her urine.
I have a English mastiff that just finished up her first heat cycle and I noticed the same thing. She didn't have an infection she just had to pee a lot more than normal because of the heat. I would suggest letting her go outside to use the bathroom more often than you normally would. My female is back to her normal self, and I haven't had any problems since.
It sounds like a bladder or urinary tract infection. You will need to take her to the vet for antibiotic treatment.
good luck
It could also just be weakened bladder control muscles (it happens to humans too). As everyone else said, this is a problem that can only correctly be diagnosed by a vet.
it is very passable she has a urinary infection, take her to the vet.
I wouldn't say that each heat shaves years off of a dog's life, otherwise no dog would live past 3 years, but yes there are major health benefits to spaying them earlier than later. She may have a urinary tract infection, or it may be related to her heat cycle. Worst case scenario, a congenital urinary tract problem.
I heard grapes or raisins can cause kidney faliure
Get her checked out by a vet. My 3 year old boxer bi**h began showing symptoms like this last year. She was treated for infections but proved eventually to have kidney failure. As the problem was detected late, she did not recover and was put to sleep on 2nd January.
sound like she has cystitis. take her to the vets for some antibiotics and painkillers
It is possibly hormonal or an infection. Take a sample of her urine to the vet and get this checked out. It is possible that your vet may not want a ***** in season in his waiting room and you may need a special appointment.
Well you obviously need to get your dog to the vet - sounds as if she has a bad urinary tract infection and needs some meds to clear it up.
How would you like to feel like this poor dog - get her to the vet.
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