Sunday, January 24, 2010

Do you think that it is somewhat healthy to worry over things u have no control over?

I think it is normal human nature to feel anxiety about the possibility of bad things happening even if you have no control over related events. However, needless worry is a form of stress and can't be good for you. That is why people have developed relaxation techniques and meditation or other calming rituals that help focus energies in a more productive way. Or just staying busy with a task to keep your mind from obsessing about pointless thoughts.Do you think that it is somewhat healthy to worry over things u have no control over?
No. Limit ';worrying time'; to around 45 mns, daily, possibly when you get home, or after your evening meal, but not too close to bedtime) after which, resolve firmly to refuse to worry again on that day: realise and accept that to do otherwise would be counterproductive to your mental health, and enjoyment of life. You will have had your ';worry time'; for the day, and can just write down any more thoughts that come to mind, and say to yourself: ';Well, I'll just have to worry about that tomorrow, won't I?';. It's important to regularly monitor, and deal with a negative internal monologue (self talk), or mental process, such as disturbing thoughts, images, impulses, or emotions, by the process of (a): recognising it, and (b): challenging it immediately. Technique For Re-Programming Negative Thoughts: When you notice something negative, such as: ';I can't do this/ am never going to get over this!'; or: ';Why am I always so pathetic/useless/such a loser?'; or even an image, emotion, or a memory; recognise that it is being generated from the negative part of your mind. Having identified and labelled it, visualise a large, red, flashing, ';STOP!'; sign, and/or possibly a stern faced person wagging an index finger at you in a negative manner, then say to yourself as forcefully as you can, even aloud in a big voice, if alone: ';I know this tactic: GO AWAY FOR A WHILE !!!'; You may want to use either: ';ruse';, ';ploy';, ';game';, or ';trick';. In the case of an image, visualise a large ';STOP'; sign, or your preferred version.

Some people go so far as to keep a wide rubber band in their pocket, then put it around their wrist, when they catch themselves backsliding, stretch and release it, as a method of reprogramming their mind sooner, but I don't regard it as being strictly necessary. Remember to remove it, afterwards, if you use this method. Try replacing a negative thought with a positive affirmation of your choice, like: ';I am a unique individual, with my own set of skills, and good points';, or ';I may not be perfect, but I'm doing the best I can, right now';. Practice one of the relaxation methods in sections 11, 2, 2c, or 2i, daily, and when needed. Tai Chi, or yoga suits others better. Give the EFT a good tryout, to see if it helps you. There is a version for use in public places, (you can claim to have a headache, as you massage/lightly tap your temples, but you would then be restricted to subvocalising: saying it to yourself in your mind). Section 53, at refers: ';Even though I sometimes suffer from anxiety, I deeply and completely accept myself.'; Or Google: ';neurofeedback; therapists'; Herbal remedies, such as chamomile, passionflower, or St. John's wort, are often effective, but the idea is (as with anxiolytic medication) to use them like water wings, or training wheels on a bicycle, providing initial support, and giving time for other treatments, such as therapy, and relaxation techniques, to take effect.

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