Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why do you choose to live, when you did not choose to be born and have no control over the life you were given?

Why do you choose to live, when you did not choose to be born and have no control over the life you were given

Why not revolt against God or the Selfish gene?

We didn't choose the state of the world we would be born into, or our place in the world.

If the values of the actually existing world are contrary to our own, why not commit suicide rather than endure living under a moral system you find immoral?Why do you choose to live, when you did not choose to be born and have no control over the life you were given?
Can you say emo?Why do you choose to live, when you did not choose to be born and have no control over the life you were given?
Study of philosophy subcategories --

religion, comparative religion and metaphysics was involved in the formulation of my spiritual system. Therefore am led to several conclusions -perhaps- not in agreement with your statements.

to wit--

1- I did choose to be born

2- control of my life is totally in my hands, as the Creator planned for it to be

3- values of the world are not my concern, except as i may attempt to influence them in a positive manner. If i can not then those individuals doing trash to themselves will return and have another go.

4- The state of the world is- perhaps- the result of the lack of love and respect for ones 'self' displayed by many.

5- Since i planned the challenges of this incarnation, cessation of the life span in an attempt to complete the work would lead to my return to a physical life to have another go. That is not appealing to me in the least, unless of course the Creator wishes me to return.
I choose to live because I love life and the people that i know. I love the journey and all the unexpected things that life brings both good and bad. I cannot change what other people do in their lives,only mine. As for suicide, this is the cowards way out, to die is easy, to live is the challenge
sigh, yet another rant against the atheist. I choose to live my life because i give it purpose. I set goals for me to accomplice. And enough with the immoral rant already. I mean i don't do drugs, smoke, drink, womanize, kill, murder, rape, steal, cheat, or anything intentionally that would hurt the common man. I mean come on, are Christians the only people with good morals? What about Gandhi, Alexander the Great, the non religious actors who give money to charity, me who does anything i can for people in need, people of other faith, ect. The list goes on. I'm curious if you could post in your best answers as to why you think everyone else in the worlds who doesn't believe in Jesus or God is bad. And besides, Jesus wouldn't want to hear you say that would he? Love they neighbor, treat others as you would want to be treated? I mean do you hear me asking you why you shouldn't commit suicide for undermining Gods creation in life? sigh, please use your head.
you have choose to come here on earth but god put a veil that block you from remembering, we have 46 chromosomes and a dog has 78, how this happen? god?
I have a thermostat, a light switch, a TiVo and a remote control.
mostly cause no matter how bad the world is, i will always have things to live for. You can talk about what a hell-hole this place is until your throat is sore, but that doesnt mean there arent parts of it that make it worth the struggle.
Because orgasms and brownies are amazing!
Life rocks regardless of the bad stuff.
Because there is a lot of fun and excitement in playing the hand you were dealt.
Feel free to jump off a bridge I won't stop you
You're right, I'm going to go blow my brains out right now.

Whether I chose it or not, it's still the only game in town.

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