Monday, January 18, 2010

Out of control defecit spending, no control of the border, troops dying in Iraq whats the difference again?

Other than W is a real American BORN in the USA!Out of control defecit spending, no control of the border, troops dying in Iraq whats the difference again?
Ah, the difference. I think the biggest difference is that America has shown the world that no matter what someone's skin color is, they can screw things up just as bad as anyone else can! Kinda makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, but since I got laid off last week I'll have to be bitter, cynical and sarcastic about the economy until it gets better.Out of control defecit spending, no control of the border, troops dying in Iraq whats the difference again?
The difference as I see it is that deficit spending now has a rocket strapped to it's butt, and luckily for obama and america the Bush troop surge in iraq was a huge success and death's are way down. It enables obama to make a graceful victorious exit in a couple years....of course the great obama said the troop surge would be a disaster...what a stuffed suit.
The spending is only b/c no other system is capable of fixing the situation than th U.S government at this point. Would you have preferred the other way, with the government not regulating anything, and what ever happens, happens? It would be far worse than what it is right now. If anything, the Obama administration has not spent enough--look at Japan through the 90's--they had the same kind of situation, and the govt. attempted to stimulate the economy in a fashion similar to what we've done, but in hindsight, they realized they cut off spending too soon, resulting in a weak economy for almost a decade.

I agree troops should all come home right now, but at least a plan has been put in place--something W or McCain had not done--no time line whatsoever--just keep the troops there and hope things eventually get better--also, I'm no expert when it comes to military strategy, but I do concede that you cannot just yank the entire US force out in one fell swoop, leaving a giant gap where they were occupying--there does need to be some careful consideration as to how quick they can be removed, don't you agree? Obama wants them out--remember, he opposed this from the beginning, so no one wants them out any more than he does, so obviously there are things he's been briefed on, and he trusts his Generals on the ground--that have left him to believe that this is as fast as they can get them out--to hell with Reid and Pelosi! They caved way back when the vote to go to ';war'; came to the floor, and now they want to push Obama to hurry and bring them home? Hypocrisy at its finest....
Porkulus spending that will do nothing to help the economy and will bankrupt America.
W was an idiot.

...another difference...
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