Monday, January 18, 2010

Are there any parents here whose kids seemed out of control, no discipline seemed to work, but grew up okay?

I'm feeling very frustrated as a mother. I need to know that even though it seems like everything is a battle, they might actually grow up to be decent people.Are there any parents here whose kids seemed out of control, no discipline seemed to work, but grew up okay?
Yes, my sister!

She was the biggest brat. All her life my parents would say: ';she'll grow out of it, it's just a phase'; etc... She drove us all crazy with her stubborn and spirited self. Once she pushed my friend down the staircase when she was sleeping over for no apparent reason. She used to throw fits all the time.

Now she is a very successful litigation attorney (lawyer) who makes a lot of money with that stubborn personality. She is polite and kind in every day life and sweet to me. She is so nice to our parents because she realizes that they put up with a lot. She is also happily married.

So yes, she grew out of it and her personality has actually made her very successful. We all thought that there was no hope, but she has grown up great. I am so proud of her.


With that said, I know that this must be a struggle for you as a parent. As a teacher, I recommend this book. Good luck. Be consistent and your child will grow up right.

Remember, children learn most from example. So they way you behave is much more important than they way they behave in teaching them what to do long term.Are there any parents here whose kids seemed out of control, no discipline seemed to work, but grew up okay?
Oh man I had a good chuckle at this question! I feel the same way with my oldest. He's five and definitly has a mind of his own! There is hope! The best thing to do is pick your battles. Not everything is worth fighting on. Trust me! I was one of those children when I was younger. My mother, aunts, grandparents...anyone who knew me, could tell you endless stories about me! I turned out fine. In fact I get complimented on how ';well I turned out';. So hang in there. Just keep letting them know that you love them and teach them what is right, because even though it doesn't seem like they are listening...they are.

Hope this helps and good luck!
No mention of a father?

It does happen, but I do not think you can rest on that. Hope, yes, but not assume so.

I will have four teenagers in my house in a few years. Told my wife we will then all move to Alaska on some land accessible only by airplane.

Hang in there. Get help!! Plug your kids into a good church. Wait, I mean, plug your kids into a good group of kids at a good church.
This is always the way, you still ok
okay i am not a parent but as an adult and now married my mom has been real straight with me.

I was a ';horrible'; teenager. Looking back I was nuts and did dumb things. I dated guys way too old for me, I stayed out overnight and never told her where I was, and so on. I will say this, from the time I was little she instilled self confidence in me so I was strong enough to stay away from commiting crimes or doing any drugs. I just refused to listen to her from about 14 thru 18 when I moved out.

I grew up fast on my own and learned that she was right about so many things. As an adult own my own successful business, she tells everyone how proud she is of me, she adores my husband and is begging for grandchildren.

Just pray and keep it up.

Even if I did not listen at the time, by her saying what she did and making those attempts I knew she truly cared and loved me.

I look back and think what an idiot I was and I have friends in your place now who feel the same way, and it will all be okay. Just take a little time for you, my mom started goign to the gym to releive the stress- so she felt better and looked hot!

Best of luck!!

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