Wednesday, January 20, 2010

No control?

I feel that I have no control over what others do/comment/act towards me when I leave my house. I feel threatened by this, not to the point where I am a coward, but enough where I feel a bit helpless. Do you think it has to be with being a woman, a woman of color, or does everyone feel this way?

What can I do to feel more in control, less threatened?No control?
Of course you have no control over what others do/comment/act towards you, regardless of if you are in your house or not. How could it be otherwise?

I know that personally I have no control over others, and most of the contol I think I have over my own life is simply illusion. That's just part of life.

If you want to feel like you're more in control, there are many things to try, but just remember that they will only make you *feel* more in control, not actually give you control over things around you.

My advice: try reading a few books on alternative religions and you'll find all sorts of ways to increase your personal power. (';Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner'; by Scott Cunningham is a good place to start)No control?
Sweetie, you need to accept the fact that you CAN NOT control other people, nor can anyone control you. In any situation, you should learn to do one of three things:

-Accept others for who they are.

-Find ways to constructively deal with what you can't control.

-Move on, and let others be.
You have no control over anybody but yourself. And every time you leave your house you are apt to get both negative and positive criticism from strangers and/or associates. This is a part of life and sometimes it sucks but if you feel physically threatened take some self-defense classes and carry around mace spray.
What differance does it make what ';they'; do, say , or act?

It sounds like ';they'; have the problem, not you.
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