Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I feel as if I have no control over my life?

I just started college and I have a job and I live with my parents and I am in a local theater group. I love every mnute of being busy and stuff. I have so many people around me but for some reason I feel so alone and I dont know why! Since I am surrounded by everything that I love!

So i just dont know why I feel alone?I feel as if I have no control over my life?
maybe your naturally an intovert or unsocial person,as in you are a slow thinker and clever things just dont pop into your head, too many people and no time alone is just way too mind occupying, you need time aloneI feel as if I have no control over my life?
it could be that your feeling that no one really knows you or understands you - is that a possibility? I know that without feeling that you are understood by those around you can make you feel very isolated. Do you have someone you are close to? Having just one person who you can tell anything to and who you know loves you without judging anything you say can make all the difference to you.
Probably because you're so busy you don't have time to just sit and think about life in general.

People go through this phase at least once in their lifetime, take time out of your hectic schedule everyday even if it's just 5 minutes, and just think about something that relaxes you or just about what you want in life. You don't have to be specific or anything, just let your thoughts flow.

Hope this helped!
Maybe you need to look deep down inside of yourself and figure out what you really want on the inside. Listen to yourself in what you really want. Maybe you feel alone because you left all of your former people you knew during childhood. Things you left in the past that was apart of you.

And now you miss those things of why you feel so alone. I know I feel alone if I moved out to another state and left all the people that I care about behind. I would miss them and feel alone.
News for You.

You don't have control of your life and you are not alone.

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