Monday, January 18, 2010

I am dissatisfied with the current state of things in my life which I seem to have no control over.?

In fact, I seem to have control over very little anymore. Not that I really ever did, before the state of things just didn't bother me. Now everything is exactly how it should not be. What happened? It's leading me into a pit of depression.I am dissatisfied with the current state of things in my life which I seem to have no control over.?
First, you are not a victim. You are always in control of your life, and if you have less control, it's because you chose to let it be taken away (probably because it's easier). So now you have the choice to either accept what life has given you, or you can choose to make some changes to make yourself more happy. Somethings in life aren't in your control, so you have to make make the decission to accept them and move on. If you just sit around being the victim then you'll always be upset with your life. Only you can improve your life, and only you can make yourself happy. Good luck!I am dissatisfied with the current state of things in my life which I seem to have no control over.?
You could have mild depression. When your mind is depressed cuz of chemical changes you feel bad. Then you dont consciously know why you feel bad and you start to blame other things in your life for the way you feel. You start to think more and more about all your failures, dealing with strangers and friends becomes a bit more difficult and you are constantly expecting the worst from life. Little things take on big proportions. I cant tell u what to do...but i know talking to a psychologist just to get it off ur chest will make you feel so much better. Also, radically improve your diet. I detoxed with fruit for a few days and I might as well have been on cocaine I felt so good. I just felt happy all the time, my mind was crystal clear. Like it used to be. I know people think it sounds weird but I suggest looking into your dietary needs. Personally I recommend at least vegetarianism. Read about it, but the effects of fruit on the brain is apparently incredible and still somewhat of a mystery
What is it that you seem to have lost control of? We all have choices. The choice to change things or to just let them bother us!

Look around, you are still alive, the sky is still blue and the grass green. Be thankful for what you do have, for the morning light each day and the beautiful stars each night. It is all good! YOu will feel better, give yourself a break..

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