Friday, May 14, 2010

Barack Obama had NO control of what his mom did, but Sarah DID have control over her teen daughter, so why ?

people compare Stanley Ann Dunham with Bristol Palin.Barack Obama had NO control of what his mom did, but Sarah DID have control over her teen daughter, so why ?
Can't be surprised!! Sarah was knocked up and got a shotgun wedding and how her daughter will. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!!Barack Obama had NO control of what his mom did, but Sarah DID have control over her teen daughter, so why ?
Ok, so what about the parents of the guy who got Bristol pregnant? Do they have no control over their teen as well? How come no one ever mentions him? after all he did his share too.

Once again, I wonder why a woman's reproductive capability is being brought into question here. Palin is no different from any American family, subject to the same things. How come nobody ever mentioned anything like this about Hillary?

The Old Boy's Network is more alive than ever in America. I hate it when women get all the blame and men are pampered and protected. I can just hear the headlines, McCain loses shot at presidency over a woman.

Well, that is what we get from living in patriarchal societies.

· Its not an issue as far as I'm concerned, despite the Republican's touting themselves as the family values party

This is what I am concerned with, McCain is 72 and had cancer 5 times, Palin is that close the Presidency

Palin: I've been so focused on state government, I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq. I heard on the news about the new deployments, and while I support our president, Condoleezza Rice and the administration, I want to know that we have an exit plan in place

Steve Doocy from Fox news “She does have foreign relations experience because she is from Alaska and that’s right up there near Russia”.

Palin Video “What does the VP do?”…

Palin replied: ';As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day? I'm used to being very productive and working real hard in an administration. We want to make sure that that VP slot would be a fruitful type of position, especially for Alaskans and for the things that we're trying to accomplish up here for the rest of the U.S., before I can even start addressing that question

Suing Polar Bears

Gov. Sarah Palin and other state officials fear a listing will cripple offshore oil and gas development in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas in Alaska's northern waters, which provide prime habitat for the only polar bears under U.S. jurisdiction.

';We believe that the Service's decision to list the polar bear was not based on the best scientific and commercial data available,'; Palin said in announcing the lawsuit

';This lawsuit and her head-in-the-sand approach to global warming only helps oil companies, certainly not Alaska or the polar bear,'; Siegel said. ';Gov. Palin should be working for sustainable, clean energy development in Alaska instead of extinction for the polar bear.';

Palin Under Ethics Violation investigation

In naming her as his vice presidential running mate Friday, Sen. John McCain hailed Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as “someone who has fought against corruption.” But Palin is under two ethics investigations springing from accusations that she abused her office to pursue a personal grudge
Technically Gov. Palin didn't have control over her 17 year old daughter either.... how many parents do YOU know that /have/ control over their 17 year old? Not many I would suspect... so to say that Gov. Palin had any responsibility for this is just stupid and idiotic... since Bristol in many states would be considered an Adult capible of making her own decissions... :/
The issue is that Palin believes in abstinence only sex education, which we all know works very well. Since she is an advocate for that cause and her daughter went against that completely, it raises the question whether or not she can raise her own children.
No one, even politicians, have complete control over anyone or anything. The only thing we can control is our responses to events that happen in our lives and families. I like her response so far. Can she keep her cool for the next few month's that will be the real test.
As a mother of 2 daughters, 16 and a 14....I know they're going to do what they want, regardless of what I say or do. No parent has control over their teenager, some naive parents may think they do lol....but they don't, I promise you that.
But Obama did have control of his own actions, and by his own account, he did drugs...and other things.

No, I'm not throwing stones, and neither should you.
Parents like to think they have so much control over their teens. It just doesn't work that least not in the real world.

Your cut and paste failed. You will understand more about control when you get into the tweens. Good luck in first grade.
The Republicans ought to commend Bristol for not having an abortion since they are pro-life.
David Hasselhoff instead Obama
A very good was a decision that the daughter made not the mother.
You are human being controls need to grow up and learn this...


Only took two weeks of birth control and no period?

I took two weeks and two days of birth control, had to stop, which was the 7th of March, and haven't gotten my period yet...I did get just a little bit of a light pink spotting two days ago and that was it...have been having cramps for little over a week like my period is coming, but it never comes....could I be pregnant or is it normal to miss period for that long even though I was on it for only two weeks?Only took two weeks of birth control and no period?
If you had unprotected sex within 14 - 19 days then take a test.

You could have just messed up your cycle.

If you still don't get it, and you are showing negatives on a test then see your DR.

How can control the no of hours of sleep without hampering our health?

some people need a lot of hours for sleeping, others need only few hours of sleeping. sleep with beautiful mind, not serious and not think about anything, it will be good health. If you are serious or have something to think , sleep a lot can not help you.
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  • Only took two weeks of birth control and no period?

    I took two weeks and two days of birth control, had to stop, which was the 7th of March, and haven't gotten my period yet...I did get just a little bit of a light pink spotting two days ago and that was it...have been having cramps for little over a week like my period is coming, but it never comes....could I be pregnant or is it normal to miss period for that long even though I was on it for only two weeks?Only took two weeks of birth control and no period?
    If you had unprotected sex within 14 - 19 days then take a test.

    You could have just messed up your cycle.

    If you still don't get it, and you are showing negatives on a test then see your DR.

    How can control the no of hours of sleep without hampering our health?

    some people need a lot of hours for sleeping, others need only few hours of sleeping. sleep with beautiful mind, not serious and not think about anything, it will be good health. If you are serious or have something to think , sleep a lot can not help you.

    2007 Jeep Wrangler X Electronic Stability Control Activates for no reason?

    While on a ramp, my Jeep's ESC activates by itself, even though the car is not slipping or skidding. Is there a reason for this to happen? It still does it after I manually disengage the ECS.

    Thanks.2007 Jeep Wrangler X Electronic Stability Control Activates for no reason?
    If your talking about an RTI ramp, why would you ever buy something with any kind of ';stability control';.

    If you're talking about on ramps and the likes, and you really have no desire for a vehicle that attempts to drive itself, take it to a reputable performance shop and have the program tuned out from your computer and necessary sensors removed.2007 Jeep Wrangler X Electronic Stability Control Activates for no reason?
    I own a 2009 Unlimited with the ECS. Okay, what is a ';ramp';? and What size tires are you running? Do you have the Jeep lifited? If so, how high?

    Lot's of problem areas to look at when dealing with the ECS, but I bet that either you have a bad sensor or the system needs to be reset to the factory settings.

    What button do you press to turn the traction control off or no? Should it be off?

    From what I understand, In a chevy cavalier, 2001, 2 door, when the light is on your traction control is off either by mechanical failure or driver choice. No one ever physically turned it on, it did it by itself. It goes, on and off by itself. What can be done? Is this bad? Why would trackion control come on by itself after about 30 minutes of driving every time? What might this indicate?

    What button do you press to turn the traction control off or no? Should it be off?What button do you press to turn the traction control off or no? Should it be off?
    off unless it's slipperyWhat button do you press to turn the traction control off or no? Should it be off?
    it is controlled by a computer. the traction control is only needed when the road is curvy or wet(the computer knows) and will shut off when the road is straight and dry. there should be a button on the dash or center console that says TC or something like that which is as you can guess traction control. but whether or not it should be off completely (wont come on at all) is up to whether or not you think you can completely control the vehicle no matter what the driving conditions are. so read the cars manual to find out where the button is and then turn it off when its pouring *** rain or snowy and see if you want it on or off
    i own a shop and it could have a bad switch on it this should be located around the dash area on it,and you should have the option to cut it on or off,but i have seen it come on at times when the computer thinks it needs it,this is called automatic over ride,but there should be a switch to control it with,look in the owners manual and see what it says about that particular one,im sure it has a lot more info on it,good luck hope this helps.
    there might me few things

    bad abs unit or wheel bearing you should get this checked quick

    What is control no of western union how is work plz tell me function of wesrten union?

    a MTCN (money transfer control number) is the ID number of that transfer, it is required along with positive photo identification to retrieve the money. western union is the worlds largest and most frequently money transfer/wire provider.

    What the hell is wrong with me. No Self Control?

    We are about to raise a child together and right now when I am around her I get pissed, start shaking, eyes tear up and I am ready to fight. How can I controll my self. I am scheduled to speak with a counselor soon.What the hell is wrong with me. No Self Control?
    AntG,the good thing is that you recognize that you have a problem with anger,I can't say what it stems from,but it's a good thing that you are seeking help for this,raising a child is a huge responsibility are requires team work,it also takes a lot of patience and consistency.A technique that a lot of people use is to write down their feelings in a notebook,this helps so you aren't carrying them around in side,it's a healthy way to vent your frustrations.Hope this is of some help to you,Tomb Raider.What the hell is wrong with me. No Self Control?
    there are some serious unresolved issues between you and her. seems to me that the unresolved issues probably stem from the way that she has treated you. you obviously do have immense amounts of self control, because you are that angry and you are still retaining it, even though it is apparently so intense that it is seething out of you. kudos to you that you are recognizing this as a problem and are working to deal with it, and please realize that you are doing well just trying to fight it back to the point that it's somehow manageable. but don't ignore it. it will start to take it's toll on your health, make you sick and even make your hair fall out. she needs to realize that the problem might very well be her too, and work cooperatively with you to try to fix the situation. kudos for not blowing up, there would only be more problems from that. good luck with counseling, she needs to see that counselor with you though, seriously. noone gets that angry from being treated fairly and justly. i hope all goes well.
    Positive thinking is so important in life. Have hope and pray about your life. Know that God can help you live a better life if you want Him to help you. You can have a personal relationship with God by saying the prayer below. God is our Creator, all-knowing, all-powerful, eternal, holy, love. God loves us and sent us His Son, Jesus Christ, so we can go to heaven if we know and follow Him. Forever means without end -- time on and on without death. Forever is what happens after we die. Either we go to heaven and be with God forever, or we go to hell which is very bad and painful forever. The good people who are saved believers in Jesus Christ go to heaven. The bad people go to hell. We need to know and follow God in this world to get to heaven in the next world. We follow God by loving and obeying Him and loving others for Him. Jesus Christ, God's Son, is our bridge to God. Jesus died on the cross to cancel our sins. We need to accept Jesus into our life as our Lord and Savior forever to receive God's blessing and forgiveness plus go to heaven to be with God forever after we die. This is about being a born-again Christian. Faith in God is a gift from God. You can pray for faith in God. Just speak out and ask God for the faith to believe in Him and to follow Him. Some people find faith in God when they realize the beauty in the world is made by God. Evolution can't explain the world's natural beauty, for example, the parks in the world, animals, flowers, peacocks, sunsets, butterflies, rainbows, etc. After you have your faith on, you can pray a sinner's prayer to be a born-again Christian. This prayer is very important and should be said with a sincere heart and faith in God. This is the prayer: ';Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and that Jesus Christ is the sacrifice for our sins. I have done the following sins (state these out) and I pray to discontinue these sins. I pray to receive Jesus Christ into my life as my Lord and Savior forever. In Jesus' name, amen.'; I'm Lutheran and I like the Baptist churches too. You could check out a Christian church and also see about their weekly Bible study group as a good way to learn about God's will for your life. You can pray to God about your daily life and have a Christian church pray for you.
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  • Sometimes I choke, or cough out of control, for no reason... are my reflexes too sensitive?


    GET ENT CHECK UP DONESometimes I choke, or cough out of control, for no reason... are my reflexes too sensitive?
    more info is needed. possible causes include dysphagia (poor coordination of the various muscles involved in swallowing such that even regular amount of saliva causes it), asthma, acid reflux, to name the most common reasons. What is your rough age? taking any medicines? How often and what circumstances, time of day, position such as lying in bed, etc.

    No volume control with my xbox 360 hooked up to a monitor.?

    I got my xBox 360 hooked up to VGA cables with an adapter that takes the red and yellow cables and combines it into a male headphone jack. I have that hooked up to my subwoofer. The volume control is on the speakers themselves, but they don't do anything! The games play at full volume and it's bloody painful!

    Is there anything I can do? Do I need to be more specific about my problem?No volume control with my xbox 360 hooked up to a monitor.?
    I have a similar setup, except the volume controls on my speakers work!

    However, I feed the Xbox sound to the master speaker with the volume controls and on/off which in turns feeds my other speakers. Are your speakers connected by 2.5mm jacks, perhaps you have plugged your Xbox sounds lead into one of the sockets that was intended for the speakers?No volume control with my xbox 360 hooked up to a monitor.?
    Most, if not all games have an in game volume control. Fiddle with that and that should do the trick. But its kinda weird that the volume knob on your speakers isnt working.
    Im going out on a limb here and not trying to be mean but are you sure that the Aduio-in and Audio-out(the red and yellow) are hooked to the right plugs? I have an option on my stereo that lets me turn to AUX. You might want to try that to if you havent...hope this helps :)

    What are the chances of getting pregnant while using birth control ineffectively as to no protection at all?

    Just for reference, I use the rhythm method. I am just curious as to what the statistics are.What are the chances of getting pregnant while using birth control ineffectively as to no protection at all?
    Good Luck..Here is what Family Planning says about that. Nothing about your % or anything though. It isn't real reliable. Natural Family Planning or NFP is a method in which a woman and clinician study her patterns of menstruation and ovulation to determine the best times to conceive or avoid pregnancy. NFP is best learned by utilizing the sympto-thermal method. This means that a woman must be comfortable in monitoring her body's signs that signal fertility. Checking the position of the cervix daily as well as vaginal mucus is a part of NFP. Checking Basal Body Temperature (BBT) daily before getting up out of bed is also a part of NFP. This method is easy to learn but is best reviewed with a clinician to help determine fertility patterns. Resources for this method can be found at Planned Parenthood centers in the United States by calling 1-800-230-PLAN. The following links provide additional information:

    How can one benefit from ';NO'; gun control, and also what is the negative aspect for gun control?

    please give me reason for benefit from no gun control and the negative aspect for gun control...Answers with actual report is a plus, Thanks.How can one benefit from ';NO'; gun control, and also what is the negative aspect for gun control?
    If the government is allowed to restrict our rights guaranteed by the constitution, then what rights do we really have? If they exercise this power then we have absolutely no guaranteed rights at all for they could just restrict them at any time.

    The benifit of ';NO'; gun control is that we know our government respects our constitutional rights. The only correct way to pass gun control into law is to amend it into the bill of rights.How can one benefit from ';NO'; gun control, and also what is the negative aspect for gun control?
    Benefit for ';No gun control';- It's our 1st amendment right first of all, The Right to bear arms. second, it allows innocent people to defend themselves from scum bags that believe that they have this god-given right to just commit crime against innocent people.

    My question is, what benefits come from ';strict gun control,'; or ';gun bans?'; Look at D.C.'s crime rate before and after gun control ;]
    I'm not a bad guy and I have hell to pay with people killing innocent sheep. If someone was hurting you, I would help you, and right now, that would mean taking whatever opposition that is with my fists... I don't want to do that. I want to use a gun. The reason I don't is because of the law... I'm also the only type of person who would follow such a law against my will. The person who would hurt you doesn't obey gun laws. He's a selfish parasite of society, and doesn't care about gun legislation. He doesn't understand what a CCW is, he doesn't know the procedure for registering a sawn off shotgun, he didn't pass a backround check, he isn't licensed to carry, and he doesn't care that you may have a family.. He just wants your wallet/for you to open the register/to throw the money in the bag/to shut up and spread your legs/to not talk to the police/to leave the keys in the car and get out/to die along with the rest of your classmates.

    Why do these shootings happen in gun free zones? The same reason they DON'T happen at gun ranges...
    Benefits = politicians rule our lives

    Negatives = 1) only the criminals will have guns

    2) reason Japan did not attack mainland US in WWII- the citizens had guns

    3) Australia just had big gun round up last 5 years - robberies are up - carjackings are up - armed home invasions - you guess!

    The right to bear arms makes us citizens - take them away = we are subjects

    all the best
    Your 2nd Amendment rights are probably the most important rights you have. Without them, you have no way to enforce any other rights you've been given. You'd basically be at the mercy of the government. They could change the other rights you have with a pen stroke.
    Negative aspect - people use them to kill other people.

    I have PTSD What can I do about The flash backs at night,in my sleep where i have no control over them?

    I have been on meds for 3 years and Im in control mostly durning the day .If I have a flash back i know how to handle them in the day, what about at night Im being attact.what should I doI have PTSD What can I do about The flash backs at night,in my sleep where i have no control over them?
    I've had PTSD for about 3 years also now since returning from Iraq. The best thing for the nightmares or night attacks is to write it down and figure out what's happeneing. I was having nightmares for a while until I decided to play out the dream on paper. Your dream is connecting you to the incident that caused your trauma. To get past it you have to face it. There is a core event that started your trauma. You can't be rid of the dreams or emotions until you've come to terms with whatever happened.I have PTSD What can I do about The flash backs at night,in my sleep where i have no control over them?
    I have PTSD. I have found that having a nice calming night time routine helps to decrease the flashbacks. I listen to some instrumental music and try to read a little in a novel. If you can focus enough to read, this is very helpful because it puts a different image in your head, than the scary ones.

    I would suggest going to It is an awesome online support message board. It has helped me tremendously.
    I'm sorry to hear that. Just pray each and every night. Ask that you don't have any disturbing dreams. After my mom died, I had really upsetting dreams about her and I got scared to go to sleep. I really hope all this stops for you. Best wishes.
    if your ex military go back to the va need to change medsi too suffer from it and anziety plus depression.
    First of all, why do you have PTSD? Are you a combat veteran or have you been exposed to some other traumatic event such as violent crime, or a serious accident involving loss of life, etc?

    If you are a veteran then speaking with your pastor (or preacher from whatever particular faith you follow) about the actions leading to your condition might help. Other places to seek help could be your primary care physician or mental health professional. There are many support groups available also.
    You can prevent them by taking Alprazolam or Lorazepam before going to sleep, but these are very addictive. I don't know which med you are taking for 3 years, may be you need to switch to another drug. Paroxetine and Sertraline are very effective for PTSD. Talk to your doctor, must be a clinical psychiatrist.

    more info here :
    I went through a bankruptcy very reluctanctly and was not handling personal problems well. I went to a doctor and have been on anti-depressants for about 10 years now. He said that my seratonin levels were way down. (Seratonin is a hormone that helps you maintain a happy self) I had flashbacks and mood swings. He put me on Cymbalta which is similar to Prozac. I am much, much better now. But I still have occasional flashbacks and mood swings. Ask your doctor about Cymbalta. Also, talk to a good psychologist that will give you advice..

    Why is woman such a gurn and always moan about subject that men have no control over?

    Be patient with the woman since you obviously do not understand us....

    We moan over subjects you cannot control because we don't want you to control it...but just need your listening ears...

    It's the way we's our outlet for dealing with you men!

    Just listen and let us vent it out...just be understanding and say,

    ';Yes, dear....I'm sorry, dear';....and once in a while ask, ';Is there anything I can do to make it better?';

    Otherwise, accept's how we are made.Why is woman such a gurn and always moan about subject that men have no control over?
    ';Otherwise, accept's how we are made.';

    where do you get off saying that? do you accept men staring at other women? we are after all ';made'; to procreate widely...Why is woman such a gurn and always moan about subject that men have no control over?
    Eh, same reason everyone complains about the weather I guess - just making conversation...
    u wot? r u talking about boners? dunno..same reason men get creeped out by periods and dirty tampons i spose
    Don't know, but you must be the new poster boy for men's rights to better education!
    women in general worry about things more than guys anyway.
    What are you talking about?
    why is man write such questions that no-one understands?
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  • Is it possible to induce sleepwalking? or is it something that just happens with no control?

    it happens when you lack sleepIs it possible to induce sleepwalking? or is it something that just happens with no control?

    A very informative website, kindly stay in website and checkIs it possible to induce sleepwalking? or is it something that just happens with no control?
    Oi!!! moight as well rip yer britches wide open in the back m8!!!! sleep walkin is a terrible 'mbarrassment!!!

    I have no control of my bladder for medical reasons, and I need to give a urine sample, help?

    What should I do? I can't just pee on command.I have no control of my bladder for medical reasons, and I need to give a urine sample, help?
    Try drinking some water and then 1/2 an hour later, sit on the toilet with the specimen cup. Unfortunately, you are just going to have to sit on the toilet and wait.

    They could do it by catheter but only if you have real difficulty in attempting to get a sample at home.I have no control of my bladder for medical reasons, and I need to give a urine sample, help?
    Well if you can't, just wait.

    Cause my lil' sister(she's 8months now, but when she was bout' 4-5 months she had this)-%26gt;she was kinda sick, so they needed a urine sample, but she couldn't just pee in command neither.

    So they put this thingy(i really can't remember, i turned away) in her vagina to try to get urine out, it was the nastiest thing i have ever heard of!(good thing im a guy:D)

    But maybe you could do that or just wait to pee
    ask if you can have the kit at comes with sanitary cloths and the cup...when you have to go to the bathroom, go in there. make sure its clean. also, make sure to always go to the bathroom. i cant stress this enough.
    If you have a severe incontinence you simply cannot give a urine sample on command. You should tell your condition. so the sample can be taken with a catheter, is simple and fast.

    Ever had no control of your thinking?

    I admit... I think way too much...

    Ive got to the point where i feel i have no control over my thoughts. (not all the time)

    Like a horrible thought of saying something to someone (who is currently talking to me) that could hurt them etc but i dont mean it at all!! I have to tell my mind to ';shut up';!

    Or a thought of something tragic happening to someone and it makes you feel sick and you have to shake ur head to get back to reality.

    At one point it felt like my head had a screaming voice, a shout or even my name said in the distance and i couldnt control it. Someone talking/shouting can get louder and louder it feels like my mind was gonna pop :(

    The shouting only happend twice i think, but horrible thoughts happen every so often and my name said happens quite often.

    Am i going mad?Ever had no control of your thinking?
    no, if you hear your own voice in your brain its sound a little stressed to me...relax %26amp; try not to worry so much.Ever had no control of your thinking?
    Had much control of my thinking but less control of the outcome. If you need to talk without a world audience then email me. X X
    I once knocked myself unconscious doing a extreme sport and lost an entire days memory! so you could say i have no control of my thinking?
    **Edited to quote only what I wanted to:

    ';Like a horrible thought of saying something to someone (who is currently talking to me) that could hurt them etc but I don鈥檛 mean it at all!! I have to tell my mind to ';shut up';.';

    Not to alarm you, but these are symptoms of borderline schizophrenia. This isn't the same as saying you're mad, as schizophrenia is a blanket term used to describe a HUGE number of imbalances, leading from minor to major.

    It's almost impossible for any one person to go their whole lives without suffering a borderline episode of some sort-- even if it lasts only a day. If it starts to concern you, seek some professional advice. Don鈥檛 worry yourself sick(er) though!

    ~ CC
    The mind is very powerful. One thing you need to realize is you are in control of your mind. It's your mind. What you see, hear, and feed upon will effect your thought life. That's why you need to be careful with what you are spending most of your time on. Good thoughts don't just pop into your head. You have to think of them. Bad thoughts don't just pop into your head. You have to think on them. So if we are in control of our minds, then I would say you can control what you think.
    You can control your thoughts.Un controlled thoughts indicate mental problems.Yoga or meditation will help concentration and control of thoughts.
    This sounds like a very unpleasant experience. I think a key thing to observe is whether you feel like someone who is not you is speaking directly to you through your thoughts, perhaps commanding you to do things. If this is the case, maybe a talk with your Doctor couldn't hurt. Such things sometimes start occuring in late adolescence, early adulthood.

    However, maybe you just have some pent up hostitilities. Do you try to repress your anger, when you have it? Is your strategy in life to be kind to all and try to be unaffected by the cruelty and insensitivity of others? If so, maybe there's just some anger that get's built up inside you for all of the times you let things go and your unconscious is trying to find a way to let it out.
    If you feel stressed or under pressure at work or school, you may experience this.

    You should consider talking to your doctor who may prescribe you some medication to calm your mind down a bit. It's a short term solution to allow you to take control again.
    The voice is inside and you know it is, not outside talking to you, you know you are not hearing things, you are thinking things. Thats a good thing.

    Sounds a bit more neurotic rather than psychotic, you still have humour and perspective on it which is also good . Another good thing is you seem to have no paranoia, so other than a bit of worrying you seem in reasonable shape (as far as the alternative of psychosis goes)

    Do you use cannabiss, (rhetorical question) if you do this could well bring on these feelings (please don,t all start defending cannabiss, it does this to SOME people especially if they use the strong skunk). If you use, stop for a bit and see if you feel better, if you do feel better stop all together because it will be the blow thats doing it and sadly it will always do it

    Other than that have a word with your doc, he may refer you to some secondary Mental health services, just for a chat like, no butterfly net or liquid cosh :-). Have a chat with them they will be able to fill you in on what you are experiencing better than anybody on here.

    One more thing ,if you are experincing true mental distress it need not be a once and for all life defining thing, people rarely ';go mad';. Bit of help and most people turn out right as ninepence.
    I just answered a question about talking to myself in my head. But your point is more like me. I have arguements within the space of my head about my thoughts. It's like a wrestling match up there. ';Say it'; [one thought hits the mat] ';Don't say it'; [the other one hits back]. It's horrible.

    And the thing you said that relates to me most, ';no control';. I have no control about what I think. I think bad things about people and have to wake myself up from it. I dream about people dieing or hurting myself and have to distract myself from my thoughts.

    Most specialists will tell you to find another way to relieve all this emotional/mental tension, but there is not other way. Well I don't see one.

    Maybe this is us going mad.

    But we can all go compeltely potty together!
    That's weird, sometimes I do that I'm pretty sure that is nomal but think what u want.
    It could be depression but everyone as horrible thoughts sometimes if your really worried see your doctor if you feel it's not right.
    You really are screwed up arn't you- sad.

    Is it true that when you die you have no control over your bowels an basically crap yourself?

    In a nutshell you got it, we all become incontinent at the moment of death, so anything left in there will surely come out.

    The thing i can't understand is why my mum used to tell me to put clean knickers on in case i got run over, whether i died or no i'd surely sh!t myselfIs it true that when you die you have no control over your bowels an basically crap yourself?
    It depends. If your bowel is full you may empty it when you die. People who die from a long illness often don't eat much in the hours leading up to death. In the event of sudden death a person or animal will empty both bladder and bowel and males sometimes ejaculate.Is it true that when you die you have no control over your bowels an basically crap yourself?
    I will reply you after die
    When you die, you have no control over anything, but there's no come-back, so don't worry about it.
    Yes, thats just about friend used to lay bodies out when working in an old peoples home when they died.
    yes, that is why you get plugged when you die.
    basically yes
    Not sure...guess I will have to wait to check that one out..but will I know? Hope it's not true.

    Interesting question indeed!
    I was with my grandfather when he passed away and No his bowels did not empty or did his bladder, i sat with him for 1 hour and when they came to take the body to the undertakers his arm moved which freeked me out....
    yes, all sorts of fluids come out of the body when you die. remember, you will be dead though, so nothing to worry about.
    After you die, everything relaxes. That's why they put you in a box.
    when you die you have NO control at ALL - that's what death is all about

    Not only do you crap yourself when your anal spincter relaxes at the point of death, you pee yourself too.

    But at that point, you're not very likely to be embarassed.
    Yes!! Absolutely true, you have no control over your body on your departure.
    Sometimes yes, But id say at that stage... you wont care!!
    I'm going to do it just BEFORE I die, to piss everybody off.
    I don't know,I am still alive.
    If there is any there it will come out because the muscles all relax.
    somecases yes.
    I've started crapping myself now, so it won't be an embarrassment at the end.
    that is correct, just before death persons pass urine and motion.
    yes, it's true, as far as i know
    I used to work in an residential home for the older generation. When it came to there time of passing we would lay them out ready for the undertakers.

    I have done this many a time and only in 1 case has the persons bowels errupted. The majority of the time its just urine that flows from a dead person.

    When u die u do loose all control over ur bodily functions, i suppose it depends on the amount u eat before u do kick the bucket...

    Hope this helps. x
    um no coz we will be in heaven with our bare souls.....souls don;t crap. what the hell??

    What birth control is best for no weight gain?

    I want to start using birth control but I am terrified of gaining weight! What have you tried and what do you recommend? Or not recommend?What birth control is best for no weight gain?
    Eirher the mirena IUD - but soem doctors may be unwilling to fit it if you are not in a commited relationship or youhavge ba very small frame.

    Or the implant which goes in your armWhat birth control is best for no weight gain?
    I take Yaz and I haven't had any weight problems with it. I once was on Ocella, the generic version of Yasmin, and I was bloated and constipated the entire time.

    But everyone reacts differently to birth control so you could have no reaction to any birth control, or you could have a reaction to every birth control.

    What would happen if you had sex while on a birth control pill and no condom?

    would you still get preggo?What would happen if you had sex while on a birth control pill and no condom?
    If you've been taking the pill for over a month correctly you won't get pregnant (although there's always a small margin or error where it's possible) but you will not be protected from STDs.What would happen if you had sex while on a birth control pill and no condom?
    **** IN THE GIRL...

    That's what would happen my friend
    I don't know the answer, but i use the pull and pray method: )
    no you shouldn't get prego and you just realized it feels a whole lot better without a condom on!! so take your birth control .
    ur on birth control ..u should not get pregnant ..however there is always a slight chance tht u will ..but its not likely
  • coupons
  • Can anyone tell me how the US can win the war in Iraq when the US has no control over 2/3 of Iraq?

    I was just wondering how you can win any war when your military only controls 1/3 of a country like the US military does in Iraq?

    And since the US military can't control most of Iraq (even the areas controlled by the terrorists) what is point of having them in Iraq?Can anyone tell me how the US can win the war in Iraq when the US has no control over 2/3 of Iraq?
    No it can't win this war as there is no war to win on first place..its just an illegal occupation of a place which does not belong to them at all !!

    But Yes through media he can tell the world that ';he is winning' but who would believe? even his own nation has no faith in him anymore !Can anyone tell me how the US can win the war in Iraq when the US has no control over 2/3 of Iraq?
    Well being that the U.S. can't control Baghdad it is almost an impossibility they can control 2/3 of Iraq as it is an impossibility to that the U.S. will win this war.

    Thanks, see people, it's just common sense.
    If this is a ';war'; we have one sad military. Iraq has no military yet we can't ';beat'; them after four years? We fought a world war on two continents and beat countries who were pretty good at manufacturing weapons of war in less time. It's all a diversion for some other purpose, I wonder what it is???
    There is no war in Iraq. It's an occupation. The ';war'; was over when we failed to find WMD and removed Saddam from power. We are there to ensure that big oil companies successfully negotiate the production sharing agreements with the Iraqi government and control 70 % of their oil production. And that's a fact.
    Considering 2/3 of Iraq are just farmers and nomads, I think we'll be fine.
    Our strategy has and always will be to hand Iraq over the the Iraqi government so that we can leave. Most of Iraq is being controlled by the Iraqi army while we are helping to train them so that we can come home. I expect by the end of 2008 that we will have a significant draw down in troops.
    your are right in pinpointing the problem. At first Bush wanted to have 400,000 troops in Iraq but he only got to use 100,000. We either need to do this war right and finish it, or not do it at all. Too many divides in the government if you ask me.
    The US must work on a multilateral framework with Iran and Iraq on getting the countries to work together. Especially with Iran, if we can convince Iran to commit to regional stability, the Iranian governmnet would deter from its nuclear ambitions. Iran does have a leverage in diplomatic influence. We can obviously establish a forum where both parties' grievances can be addressed. The US would have to drop on its precondiitons and Iran might even agree to pull out its support of the various insurgent groups in Iraq. The key to actually ending this war is getting the cooperation of the Middle East, particularly its key player, Iran.

    I support the notion of keeping our troops away from harm but as now, we can't pull them out or else a genoicde will most likely occur. If we are concerned for the Iraqi civilians and their general security, we must deploy more UN and EU troops to mediate the violence. We might gradually withdraw from Iraq but we can still send advisors to Iraq's military and support its political infrastructure.
    data please
    Well we are building our massive bases in iraq right now. As long as we keep the people of iraq in conflict with each other then i suppose america and the west can do as they please in that region. In the grand scheme of things 10-20 of our soldiers dying a week is not something that really bothers those in power. Winning depends on your interpretation of the word. If by winning you mean leaving iraq to the people of iraq in a free self governed country then i doubt it will ever happen. If winning to you means our hegemonic control of the regions oil reserves and important placement near other ';enemies'; of our Corporate masters then we probably are already winning.

    In response to Ryan above, actually Saddam with his army did a pretty good job of containing sectarian strife. I honestly believe that we allow (if not help instigate) this strife, ever heard of divide and conquer? United we stand divided we fall....
    Well, first of all you bring in lot's of alcohol and start passing it out for free. Then you inform all the Iraqi people that on a particular day the troops will be rounding up everyone who isn't drunk because the strict form of Islam that the terrorists practice forbids it. Then you start rounding up the sober ones because they are the terrorists. The rest of the terrorists who have not yet been caught will then quickly rush to obtain alcohol so as to blend in and avoid detection. Then blow themselves up when attempting to build IEDs while drunk.

    Nah, I'm only kidding. My point is that lots of people smarter than we are have been trying to answer that same question and haven't so why would you possibly think you'd find the answer here?
    The lord and savior George W. Bush will destroy the first born son of all the terrorist.
    Well let's see, When the US entered WW2 Hitler controlled most of Europe and Japan controlled almost all of the Pacific, and I'm pretty sure we won WW2.
    War is about killing people and breaking things. We are not doing enough of either to secure victory.

    Remember WWII?

    Our government is more worried about not hurting Iraqis than they are about protecting our troops in the field.

    Shameful. Reminds me of LBJ and Vietnam.
    The only way to succeed in any military action is to allow the generals to run the war. When politicians run wars, it never goes well.

    If Patton had been required to be politically correct and ask Washington DC for permission for every action he took, we'd all be goose stepping and speaking German.
    We need to immediately move on to the rebuilding phase. Let the Iraqi's see the terrorists blowing up Iraq's new school system, much needed electrical grids, hospitals (the things Americans are accustomed to) and see how fast the average Iraqi stands up. We will not defeat the terrorists without the ground support of Iraqi citizens. We must make them understand that we are truly in this for the good of Iraq.
    I see your point, and it's a good one. I like President Bush, I'm angry because he has let Iraq ';go on'; for so long. If he would acknowledge that the US. just needs to pull out and leave Iraq to ';their own devices,'; that would end this. So many lives have been lost because a group of people with an understanding and language barrier just want ';out of the crap.'; The only way they know is suicide---the number of lives taken with the life of the suicide bomber's doesn't matter. Why can't Bush see that, sometimes, even the nation with the strongest power in the world fails? It's hard to except failure, especially in his position. He knows to everything there is a winning and losing side. So the US. fails on this one ';war';...Something that wasn't a war until HE decided to ';keep on keepin' on.'; I believe in that philosophy also. In this case, what have we achieved? More fighting in the streets. Congats Mr. President, we've now gone ';full-tilt';! I'm very American, go USA, go Mr. President. If we could only get my statements through Bush's head... You can't talk to a man who won't listen even if, like Ford Motor Company, you ';have a better idea';.
    I think the stock answer to this question by Bush supporters is, ';Don't be so impatient. It takes time to build democracy.';

    They remind us that the American Revolution lasted for eight years.

    Of course... we were actually fighting for our own freedom, and the Iraqis are sitting back and letting us do all their fighting for them, so I'm not sure it's a valid comparison...
    We could have ten million troops in Iraq and we would not win. This is a civil war between the Shiites and Sunnis. No army in the world can make these two groups live with each other if they do not want to.
    Iraq was the second largest oil producer in the world before the Bush family came to power. If they were to be on line oil would fall below $50 A BARREL and a lot of Texas Oil Crooks would have to cut thier expnses
    I don't know didn't he call his party Social Democrats. He was only able to do it because people believed him. Some extremist right winged Christians seem to want to do it today.
    Can't, ok lets send our troops home now. That is the answer, we can't. Russia tried with Afgahn for 14 years and made it no where. We are trying in a worse scenerio and have made 0 progress in 6 years. In fact as I think more and more not one time in history has there ever been an outside force that was able to contain and yet alone establish a region in the middle east. Time to say sorry and leave.
    The war was over years ago and we already won. We are now trying to help our Iraqi allies gain contol over the country.
    What war?

    Are we really morally responsible agents despite the fact that we had no control over our own formation?

    If you agree that you had no control over when you were born, where you were born, whom you were born to, and how those people raised you %26amp; gave you a sense of your own morals, then how can you believe that you are actually responsible for your own actions? All the external factors that made you who you are in your developmental stages, were not chosen by yourself. It was arbitrarily given to you. So, are you indeed a responsibile agent despite this?Are we really morally responsible agents despite the fact that we had no control over our own formation?
    Of course there is many things which we do not control like u said . We cannot control where we been born how we were born and neither if we received the right moral education . There is also many philosophies like the Tibetan and other Asian disciplines in which the one who teaches feels responsible for anything good or bad his disciple is doing .

    However even when we may have not been raised to be good for example or to love others there is a point in which every individual has to chose either or not he/she continues this pact . Believe me there is always a conscience and it will hit this person sooner or later therefor even when he/she make have less fault there is still a little of fault on it .Are we really morally responsible agents despite the fact that we had no control over our own formation?
    Regardless of how someone is raised, no one likes to be stolen from, beaten, unjustly ruled against, or defrauded. If a person knows what he does not want done to himself, there is no excuse for his doing such things to others.

    Man is socially and morally responsible to use his free will in a manner that does not encroach upon the rights of others. Whether or not he does this is his decision, but he is accountable for himself and the consequences of his actions. To take away accountability encourages a cop-out mentality and allows sociopaths to justify unacceptable behaviours.

    Yours Purringly,

    W.C. Humphries II (Mr. Fleez for short.)

    What would happen if you had sex while on a birth control pill and no condom?

    would you still get preggo?What would happen if you had sex while on a birth control pill and no condom?
    ur on birth control ..u should not get pregnant ..however there is always a slight chance tht u will ..but its not likelyWhat would happen if you had sex while on a birth control pill and no condom?
    If you've been taking the pill for over a month correctly you won't get pregnant (although there's always a small margin or error where it's possible) but you will not be protected from STDs.
    I don't know the answer, but i use the pull and pray method: )
    no you shouldn't get prego and you just realized it feels a whole lot better without a condom on!! so take your birth control .
    **** IN THE GIRL...

    That's what would happen my friend

    Can anyone tell me how the US can win the war in Iraq when the US has no control over 2/3 of Iraq?

    I was just wondering how you can win any war when your military only controls 1/3 of a country like the US military does in Iraq?

    And since the US military can't control most of Iraq (even the areas controlled by the terrorists) what is point of having them in Iraq?Can anyone tell me how the US can win the war in Iraq when the US has no control over 2/3 of Iraq?
    No it can't win this war as there is no war to win on first place..its just an illegal occupation of a place which does not belong to them at all !!

    But Yes through media he can tell the world that ';he is winning' but who would believe? even his own nation has no faith in him anymore !Can anyone tell me how the US can win the war in Iraq when the US has no control over 2/3 of Iraq?
    Well being that the U.S. can't control Baghdad it is almost an impossibility they can control 2/3 of Iraq as it is an impossibility to that the U.S. will win this war.

    Thanks, see people, it's just common sense.
    If this is a ';war'; we have one sad military. Iraq has no military yet we can't ';beat'; them after four years? We fought a world war on two continents and beat countries who were pretty good at manufacturing weapons of war in less time. It's all a diversion for some other purpose, I wonder what it is???
    There is no war in Iraq. It's an occupation. The ';war'; was over when we failed to find WMD and removed Saddam from power. We are there to ensure that big oil companies successfully negotiate the production sharing agreements with the Iraqi government and control 70 % of their oil production. And that's a fact.
    Considering 2/3 of Iraq are just farmers and nomads, I think we'll be fine.
    Our strategy has and always will be to hand Iraq over the the Iraqi government so that we can leave. Most of Iraq is being controlled by the Iraqi army while we are helping to train them so that we can come home. I expect by the end of 2008 that we will have a significant draw down in troops.
    your are right in pinpointing the problem. At first Bush wanted to have 400,000 troops in Iraq but he only got to use 100,000. We either need to do this war right and finish it, or not do it at all. Too many divides in the government if you ask me.
    The US must work on a multilateral framework with Iran and Iraq on getting the countries to work together. Especially with Iran, if we can convince Iran to commit to regional stability, the Iranian governmnet would deter from its nuclear ambitions. Iran does have a leverage in diplomatic influence. We can obviously establish a forum where both parties' grievances can be addressed. The US would have to drop on its precondiitons and Iran might even agree to pull out its support of the various insurgent groups in Iraq. The key to actually ending this war is getting the cooperation of the Middle East, particularly its key player, Iran.

    I support the notion of keeping our troops away from harm but as now, we can't pull them out or else a genoicde will most likely occur. If we are concerned for the Iraqi civilians and their general security, we must deploy more UN and EU troops to mediate the violence. We might gradually withdraw from Iraq but we can still send advisors to Iraq's military and support its political infrastructure.
    data please
    Well we are building our massive bases in iraq right now. As long as we keep the people of iraq in conflict with each other then i suppose america and the west can do as they please in that region. In the grand scheme of things 10-20 of our soldiers dying a week is not something that really bothers those in power. Winning depends on your interpretation of the word. If by winning you mean leaving iraq to the people of iraq in a free self governed country then i doubt it will ever happen. If winning to you means our hegemonic control of the regions oil reserves and important placement near other ';enemies'; of our Corporate masters then we probably are already winning.

    In response to Ryan above, actually Saddam with his army did a pretty good job of containing sectarian strife. I honestly believe that we allow (if not help instigate) this strife, ever heard of divide and conquer? United we stand divided we fall....
    Well, first of all you bring in lot's of alcohol and start passing it out for free. Then you inform all the Iraqi people that on a particular day the troops will be rounding up everyone who isn't drunk because the strict form of Islam that the terrorists practice forbids it. Then you start rounding up the sober ones because they are the terrorists. The rest of the terrorists who have not yet been caught will then quickly rush to obtain alcohol so as to blend in and avoid detection. Then blow themselves up when attempting to build IEDs while drunk.

    Nah, I'm only kidding. My point is that lots of people smarter than we are have been trying to answer that same question and haven't so why would you possibly think you'd find the answer here?
    The lord and savior George W. Bush will destroy the first born son of all the terrorist.
    Well let's see, When the US entered WW2 Hitler controlled most of Europe and Japan controlled almost all of the Pacific, and I'm pretty sure we won WW2.
    War is about killing people and breaking things. We are not doing enough of either to secure victory.

    Remember WWII?

    Our government is more worried about not hurting Iraqis than they are about protecting our troops in the field.

    Shameful. Reminds me of LBJ and Vietnam.
    The only way to succeed in any military action is to allow the generals to run the war. When politicians run wars, it never goes well.

    If Patton had been required to be politically correct and ask Washington DC for permission for every action he took, we'd all be goose stepping and speaking German.
    We need to immediately move on to the rebuilding phase. Let the Iraqi's see the terrorists blowing up Iraq's new school system, much needed electrical grids, hospitals (the things Americans are accustomed to) and see how fast the average Iraqi stands up. We will not defeat the terrorists without the ground support of Iraqi citizens. We must make them understand that we are truly in this for the good of Iraq.
    I see your point, and it's a good one. I like President Bush, I'm angry because he has let Iraq ';go on'; for so long. If he would acknowledge that the US. just needs to pull out and leave Iraq to ';their own devices,'; that would end this. So many lives have been lost because a group of people with an understanding and language barrier just want ';out of the crap.'; The only way they know is suicide---the number of lives taken with the life of the suicide bomber's doesn't matter. Why can't Bush see that, sometimes, even the nation with the strongest power in the world fails? It's hard to except failure, especially in his position. He knows to everything there is a winning and losing side. So the US. fails on this one ';war';...Something that wasn't a war until HE decided to ';keep on keepin' on.'; I believe in that philosophy also. In this case, what have we achieved? More fighting in the streets. Congats Mr. President, we've now gone ';full-tilt';! I'm very American, go USA, go Mr. President. If we could only get my statements through Bush's head... You can't talk to a man who won't listen even if, like Ford Motor Company, you ';have a better idea';.
    I think the stock answer to this question by Bush supporters is, ';Don't be so impatient. It takes time to build democracy.';

    They remind us that the American Revolution lasted for eight years.

    Of course... we were actually fighting for our own freedom, and the Iraqis are sitting back and letting us do all their fighting for them, so I'm not sure it's a valid comparison...
    We could have ten million troops in Iraq and we would not win. This is a civil war between the Shiites and Sunnis. No army in the world can make these two groups live with each other if they do not want to.
    Iraq was the second largest oil producer in the world before the Bush family came to power. If they were to be on line oil would fall below $50 A BARREL and a lot of Texas Oil Crooks would have to cut thier expnses
    I don't know didn't he call his party Social Democrats. He was only able to do it because people believed him. Some extremist right winged Christians seem to want to do it today.
    Can't, ok lets send our troops home now. That is the answer, we can't. Russia tried with Afgahn for 14 years and made it no where. We are trying in a worse scenerio and have made 0 progress in 6 years. In fact as I think more and more not one time in history has there ever been an outside force that was able to contain and yet alone establish a region in the middle east. Time to say sorry and leave.
    The war was over years ago and we already won. We are now trying to help our Iraqi allies gain contol over the country.
    What war?

    Are we really morally responsible agents despite the fact that we had no control over our own formation?

    If you agree that you had no control over when you were born, where you were born, whom you were born to, and how those people raised you %26amp; gave you a sense of your own morals, then how can you believe that you are actually responsible for your own actions? All the external factors that made you who you are in your developmental stages, were not chosen by yourself. It was arbitrarily given to you. So, are you indeed a responsibile agent despite this?Are we really morally responsible agents despite the fact that we had no control over our own formation?
    Of course there is many things which we do not control like u said . We cannot control where we been born how we were born and neither if we received the right moral education . There is also many philosophies like the Tibetan and other Asian disciplines in which the one who teaches feels responsible for anything good or bad his disciple is doing .

    However even when we may have not been raised to be good for example or to love others there is a point in which every individual has to chose either or not he/she continues this pact . Believe me there is always a conscience and it will hit this person sooner or later therefor even when he/she make have less fault there is still a little of fault on it .Are we really morally responsible agents despite the fact that we had no control over our own formation?
    Regardless of how someone is raised, no one likes to be stolen from, beaten, unjustly ruled against, or defrauded. If a person knows what he does not want done to himself, there is no excuse for his doing such things to others.

    Man is socially and morally responsible to use his free will in a manner that does not encroach upon the rights of others. Whether or not he does this is his decision, but he is accountable for himself and the consequences of his actions. To take away accountability encourages a cop-out mentality and allows sociopaths to justify unacceptable behaviours.

    Yours Purringly,

    W.C. Humphries II (Mr. Fleez for short.)

    I am feeling very dizzy everyday, i cant take a advil or i feel like i have no control over my boby?

    I really feel like i am going to die--i am 40 -I am a female-What can this be?I am feeling very dizzy everyday, i cant take a advil or i feel like i have no control over my boby?
    Something very simple that can cause you to be dizzy is an inner ear infection or wax build up in the ear. I have an over active wax maker and when I get too much it causes pressure on the inner ear and makes an unbalanced situation. It will really make you dizzy to the point of falling sometimes. Have your health practitioner check your ears.I am feeling very dizzy everyday, i cant take a advil or i feel like i have no control over my boby?
    You might try going to the doctor and having him test you for low blood sugar and anemia.(low iron)
  • coupons
  • Is there a reason why I spot between periods no matter what birth control I use?

    I am 31 now, and have been on birth control for the better part of 14 years. I have tried Loestrin, Allesse, Ortho-Tricyclen %26amp; the Patch. I started spotting on a regular basis while on the patch, and continued to spot even after discontinuing the Patch for 6 months. I have been on Ortho-Tricyclen again for the past 3 months, and still spot in between periods. My ob/gyn says nothing is the matter, but frankly I'm getting a little frustrated because I feel like I'm the only one. At first I thought the problem was a hormone imbalance, but since it continues despite my form of birth control, I am wondering if it is something else. I have no children, but I did have a miscarriage in 2003.

    Has anyone else had this problem? Serious answers only- please.Is there a reason why I spot between periods no matter what birth control I use?
    i was in the same situation as you. i have been on some form of birth control since i was 15. i've tried a variety of pills, depo provera, and norplant. i'm currently on nuva ring with no breakthrough or irregular unexpected bleeding. the next time you change birth control, make sure you go through one natural cycle before starting. timing is everything. good luck. i know spotting all the time is miserable and a big hinderance to your sex life.Is there a reason why I spot between periods no matter what birth control I use?
    I have heard that is common to have a little spotting while you are ovulating, so maybe your body is doing this when it should be ovulating. You shouldn't be ovulating since you are on the pill. Ortho is a low dose of hormone though, so maybe you need something stronger. It seems odd that your doctor would not recommend that though. Maybe get a second opinion.

    good luck!

    Best type of birth control for no bloat?

    I'm having trouble getting a birth control that don't make me bloat, I have a problem with thinking I gain to much weight and my body makes me sick. Please give me your input, I'd love to find something that don't make me feel like a blimp.

    Thanks.Best type of birth control for no bloat?
    Agreed with the first poster lol. But if you must have HBC every girl reacts different to BC. Some lose weight some gain. It's just trial and error.

    I gained weight while on Ortho-Lo like 15...20 pounds? :( 1

    And haven't really lost or gained (more lost than gained if I did) on NuvaRing. But, some girls can have the complete opposite reaction lol.Best type of birth control for no bloat?
    you could try a non hormone birth control here are some choice:

    cervical cap 86% effective

    comdoms 94% i believe

    sponge 84-87%

    Diaphragm 84%

    copper iud 99%

    fertility awareness 98% when done correctly

    spermiside 71%

    and the pull out method 70% if done correctly

    What button do you press to turn the traction control off or no? Should it be off?

    From what I understand, In a chevy cavalier, 2001, 2 door, when the light is on your traction control is off either by mechanical failure or driver choice. No one ever physically turned it on, it did it by itself. It goes, on and off by itself. What can be done? Is this bad? Why would trackion control come on by itself after about 30 minutes of driving every time? What might this indicate?

    What button do you press to turn the traction control off or no? Should it be off?What button do you press to turn the traction control off or no? Should it be off?
    Unfortunatly chevy never put a switch in the car that you can turn on or off. If the trac off light is coming on that indicates that there is a malfunction in the anti-lock brake system, or in the computer system. Have your car checked out by a quilified auto technician.

    Should a teacher tell a child he/she has no self control?

    The teacher has told a child that she has no self control and she is always ';yapping';. She told her that she has no self control because they were playing a funny game and the child was laughing during the game. This child has ADHD.Should a teacher tell a child he/she has no self control?
    The teacher was definitely unprofessional. Is the teacher aware that this child has ADHD? If the teacher is not aware, she needs to be made aware. ADHD is considered a disability, and the school is required to make modifications to assist the ADHD child. If you are the parent of this child, you need to be actively involved in your child's school life. Here's a link that has a lot of helpful information about ADHD and school:鈥?/a>

    If this is your child, how is she being treated? Does she take medication? Does she see a therapist? Both would be ideal. My son has ADHD, and I put him on a written schedule at home and asked his teacher to write him a schedule for school, and it has worked wonders. Children with ADHD have a hard time knowing what's next, and the written schedule really helps them to focus because they can see in writing what is expected of them.Should a teacher tell a child he/she has no self control?
    I feel this is very unprofessional, and harmful to the child. I would have

    a conference with all involved or all who need to know at the school and

    express your concerns. Obviously, this teacher has not been taught how to deal with problems in the classroom, much less problems that

    arise when you have a child with extenuating circumstances in the classroom. Perhaps she was taught negative reinforcements -- suggest some positive ones. If she refuses to change her tactics, insist on the school putting your child in another class. I know teachers are busy, but their primary obligation is to support the kids in their class and make sure they provide an environment that is safe to learn in.
    I would remind the teacher that he/she is in loco parentis(latin/in the place of a parent) and humiliating a child in front of the class is not conducive to the learning environment , or the child's development.

    The teacher should apologize in front of the class.

    If it was such a problem , the teacher should have asked for a parent /teacher conference.

    They are the adult in the situation.
    Whether this really happened, or is a figment of your imagination (if so, it isn't original), or you need responses for a school exam, paper, or whatever (be careful! teachers scan the 'net to catch plagiarists!), you and everyone else are not going to like my answer, so award the ';best answer'; to one of the molly-coddlers out there.


    As someone whose family has had many teachers, and who has many friends who are or were teachers, and as a paid college tutor, I know how difficult it is to teach, especially these days, with many teachers having to do multiple duty as parent, nurse, and psychiatrist, without the benefit of even a fraction of the pay that the latter two would garner.

    Isn't it amazing that virtually no child prior to the age of ';Political Correctness'; (circa 1990) had any real or imagined allergies, maladies, injuries, handicaps, that needed millions of dollars worth of training, redesign, therapies, special access, etc, for a single student? Yet, for some bizarre reason, teachers are now expected to treat every child as if they were fragile eggs? With a lack of discipline comes chaos, and then the eggs become hard-boiled, and then only the teachers will crack under the pressure.

    Kids are a lot tougher than parents (or strangers on websites, for that matter) give them credit for. A rambunctious child is often given a label along with the corresponding drugs for no valid reason, other than to calm the child down and/or to placate the parents. As such, no child should be treated as if they were a China doll. If the child truly needs special help, then they should be put in a special school. Period. End of discussion. And if you think that I am ';horrible'; or ';mean'; or ';just plain icky';, then you didn't thoroughly read or understand my answer.

    There cannot be a ';no child left behind'; policy,

    if that one child sacrifices the entire class.

    So, ';bravo'; to the real or imaginary teacher in your question!

    Shepherd the lambs, properly, and the entire flock will learn!

    P.S. If you think that rowdy kids are only limited to the elementary schools, may I remind you of the Columbine High School and Virginia Tech College tragedies? Do you think the perpetrators were given the parental and educator scoldings, lectures, detentions, etc, that they all obviously desperately needed, and, deep in their psyche, wanted?
    The teacher should have told the child's parents that she has no self control. My child has ADHD and there are many treatments out there now that work wonders for these kids without the side effects that some treatments had a few years ago. I assume that if you know the child has ADHD then she has been treated for it. If she still acts out in class then her treatment may not be working like it should. Ask her doctor about other treatments. But at the same time, her teacher might just be mean and impatient. Lord knows there are plenty of those out there.
    The world is filled with inconsiderate, rude teachers. Some teachers have absolutely no idea what to do with an ADHD child and have zero patience for any child who is ';outside the box.';

    All the best.
    Were they playing the game during class? Did the teacher know the child had ADHD? It would really depend.

    I have no control over myself?

    Trust that he died on a cross for you. Trust that you are your worst enemy, let him in..

    ';Greater is HE that is in you, than he that is in the world';

    (1 John 4:4)

    God will not allow you to be tempted (or tested)beyond your power to resist

    When you are tempted,HE will give you strength to endure it.

    HE will even make a way for you to escape it-Look for that escape!

    (1 Corinthians 10:13)

    Remember that if you are born again and belong to Jesus,you have authority over the enemy.

    I have no control over myself?
    God made 200 billions galaxies, each with two hundred billions stars, how can we not trust Him. If we do not, whom can we trust?? You need faith.

    God loves you, and you are precious to Him. The Son of God died on the Cross to save us from condemnation, and qualifying us to Heaven. Just come to Jesus with genuine repentance and faith and you will be saved for eternity. Heaven is wonderful beyond description and forever without end. Never miss Heaven for anything of this troubled world. Life on earth is short and uncertain. Get right with God before it is too late. Best wishes for happiness and Heaven! ( have no control over myself?
    Read the bible every day (New Testament). Commit each day fully to the Lord in prayer. Ask God for daily wisdom so you follow your heart in your decisions. Get involved in church activities, ones you feel God wants you to. Get counseling from the church leaders as needed. Go to the weekly home meetings.
    welcome to the club I feel the same way I'm scared of day to day living its taking over my life. I guess we both need help! talk to a doc good luck hugss
    mind controling practice and believing like i believe in you
    hm.. we need more details but i think you should see a therapist.
    get some help then
    Please be more specific, my love.

    Can i use grapefruit body wash even though my birth control says no grapefruit?

    im on the ortho evra patch and it says DO NOT EAT grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice while you use this medicine...... but i just bouught DOVE go fresh energize body wash and it's grapefruit ... i can use it right, cuz i wont be eating or drinking it, right?Can i use grapefruit body wash even though my birth control says no grapefruit?
    Yes, many medication do not allow you to eat grapefruit because in your diet prevents proper metabolizing the the medication, including birth control.Which would render your birth control useless. However skin produces would have no effect on it. So enjoy your wash.Can i use grapefruit body wash even though my birth control says no grapefruit?
    yeah, you can use it. technically, you're not consuming it, so, you're fine.
    well yeah i think the smell doesnt affect you...because its not going in your body and there is not actual grapefruit in the body wash..its just the chemicals making it smell like it
    Yes you may.
    I just lost faith in humanity.
    wow ok as long as you do not eat the soap your gonna be fine lol
    Ask yo' Doc.
    hahaha yes if you don't eat it lol
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  • Is there a AT&T cell phone that has no side control buttons, good volume and easy to use?

    THis is for older person-side buttons get pushed and she rejects calls and needs a good volume . thanksIs there a AT%26amp;T cell phone that has no side control buttons, good volume and easy to use?
    Yes, this is provided by at%26amp;tIs there a AT%26amp;T cell phone that has no side control buttons, good volume and easy to use?
    i don't know about AT%26amp;T but verizon sur dose

    Are you one of the people who thinks we have no control of our lives?

    we have COMPLETE control of what we do in life, and with what happens when we die.Are you one of the people who thinks we have no control of our lives?
    No, I'm not an idiotAre you one of the people who thinks we have no control of our lives?
    If I decide to sit in a culvert under the freeway, yes I have complete control of my life. If I decide to live anywhere else then the enviroment I live in has total control of my life. Lets look at this more a min. Up to the age of 6, your mother has total control of your life. Then for the next 12 years a shool has control of your life. Then the military has you for a couple of years. So now you are 21 and have had no control of your life as of yet. Some body has allways been telling you what to do, or not to do. Everytime you leave your home, someone or something is telling you what you can/cannot do. Whether it is a red light or a stop sign. You may rebel at any time and take control of your own life, but I will tell you right now it won't be a pretty life you will lead. OK, now, if you are still alive after your military is over you will have a couple of choices. Get a job now, go to a college and wait to get the job after college. Doesn't matter what choice you make, somebody is going to have control of your life. What time you will rise and tell you what to do all day on the job,. Now, you finally come to a time where you have a life of your own. Go to bed and rest, go to the bar, restaurant or movie. If you do anything other than go to bed, then you are back to haveing others dictate how you live. When to cross the street, how fast you drive your car, how many drinks you can have. Forget about the idea that you have very much control over your existance.
    I believe we make our own future or 'destiny'. I have complete control over my life, except maybe if I had something terminal and wanted to die on my own terms, UK law still isn't too clear on that.
    I agree. Life is all about choices.

    Choose to believe, or choose not to believe. Whatever floats your boat, as long as you don't sink others.
    Not one of those people at all.
    no im making decisions daily...FREE WILL
    You know they say people with control issues often have bowel issues, Do you?

    With No EXIT Passport Control Does the USA have anyway of knowing when US citizen Left the Country?

    Unlike many other Countries...The USA does not Have EXIT Immigration/passport would they have anyway of knowing if you've been gone for a day or a year?especially if the country you traveled to did not stamp your passport?like when you travel to Mexico...How does the USA know when their Citizens leave?or do they even keep Track of this?With No EXIT Passport Control Does the USA have anyway of knowing when US citizen Left the Country?
    The methods that are used to track people are not made public, but I've read that if you fly, or buy a ticket, anywhere in the world it will get sucked-up into the feds data base. Also, if you use a foreign ATM or charge something on a credit card outside the USA it will get into the data base.

    I suppose it's possible to get out of the country without the departure being noted, but you'd have to go by land and find a way to live without leaving any electronic footprints of any kind.With No EXIT Passport Control Does the USA have anyway of knowing when US citizen Left the Country?
    They do have Passport controls, they are bar coded, if you leave the U.S. to go to China or Ireland etc etc, they are scanned into a computer at that country's immigration, and they know. If you go to Canada or Mexico most likely not unless you use it as a form of ID to cross the border, then it is scanned and they know!
    from the minute your ticket is purchased you are logged

    Are pedophiles born that way like gays and have no control over their thoughts and actions?

    I know that we are living in a different world now with lots of sick asses but I wonder if someone is just geneticly structured to be a gay or a pedophile!Are pedophiles born that way like gays and have no control over their thoughts and actions?
    Neither is true.Are pedophiles born that way like gays and have no control over their thoughts and actions?
    No one is born gay or born a pedophile. It is more of a reaction. Just like you react if you were bitten by a dog. Do you get mad at the dog or not?

    Report Abuse

    Psychologists have debated this issue for a long time, and despite numerous studies, still are not able to agree. It may also vary case-to-case. Studies do show that those who are molested or raped as children are more likely to do the same thing to someone else. However, some people may be born with it.
    I think that something bad happened to them when they were little, perhaps they were abused themselves or molested; that's what a lot of experts say.

    They grew up unable to relate to adults and became torn between wanting intimacy and being afraid of those who are so 'adult' or 'sophisticated' or too much like the one that abused them. So they turn to a happier time of life and try to relate to children, not fully understanding how inappropriate it is.

    If you think of stalkers, that kind of behavior-- shy, not wanting to approach too closely lest one be rejected, wanting to do something spectacular or heroic to overwhelm the admired one, to make the admired one want or need or be dependent on the stalker-- that is perfectly normal romantic behavior for boys of ten to thirteen years old., who don't know how to relate to young ladies.

    But they don't realize it is inappropriate for adults, and need to be taught what they could not learn by observation. It doesn't help anything to scream at them, because they don't understand that it is wrong.
    No control over their thoughts and actions? Don't confuse genetics with responsibility. Each of us is responsible for our thoughts and actions. We MUST learn this lesson from an early age. Genetics dictates physical characteristics. Don't use it as a crutch for lack of self discipline.
    Probably born that way. There have been pedophiles since the beginning of recorded history. Our society turns everyone into victims, of course, but it has not always been that way. We have gotten to the point when even kids playing doctor are accused of sexual abuse. I'm not sure who's weirder, pedophiles or people who want to put kids in a padded room alone until they turn 18.
    no, no way those people are sick and its all in their heads, i realy just dont know why people cant stick to the way of life god intended when he created them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What do I do when I no longer take birth control if I have pcos?

    What can I do if I no longer want to take birth control pills if I have poly cystic ovarian syndrome?What do I do when I no longer take birth control if I have pcos?
    choose from other methods, all can be used during PCOS - see belowWhat do I do when I no longer take birth control if I have pcos?
    Use a non-hormonal method of birth control. Condoms, IUD, diaphragm, sponge. Check out鈥?/a>
    PCOS can be tricky... check out this article, it might be able to help you out some.

    if you don't want to protect your self from having baby's then go for it.

    How do i get birth control with no insurance?

    I love that you have been judged without knowing why you use it. I wonder if those who judged you know if you are married or may have to take it for medical conditions? I was on BC at 12 years old for medical reasons and did not have sex until I was married.

    Anyway, I would definitely check with the health dept. They can provide you with free or reduced check ups and birth control. This is an option that has worked out for my aunt who doesn't have insurance either. She gets her check ups and BC for free.How do i get birth control with no insurance?
    Go to planned parenthood, they can provide you with them.

    Report Abuse

    How do i get birth control with no insurance? pay for it.

    There might be some clinics you can go to that may give you free access to condoms; check the yellow pages.
    Your local health department should be able to get your pills to you at a reduced price or even free if you qualify under their financial guidelines. Some states don't even require financial guidelines.

    Hope that helps! :)
    go to the public health office and see if you qualify for planned parenthood, and if your under 18 you can get them for free !!
    stop doing the do.
    I don't know that you would be able to get birth control completely free, but I do know that Planned Parenthood offers exams and birth control at a very low cost. An annual exam, including PAP, is around $50 and the birth control I take is about $20 a month. It would cost nearly that much with my insurance anyway because of the co-pays!

    You can go to the local Planned Parenthood. You can also get ahold of your local hospital and see if they have any community programs. Another great way is to speak with your doctor before your insurance runs out. See if he can give you a years worth of samples. Many times samples have to be thrown away do to expration dates. Talk to the doc.
    Pay for it.

    Use condoms.

    Or don't have sex.
    Most places have a free clinic where you can get birth control very cheaply. Check the phone book or Google for the clinics in your area.
    What kind of birth control are you looking for? Abstinance is free. You can go to a doctor and just pay them for pills, or go to planned parenthood and they charge based on your income - you'll have to bring proof of income.
    Planned Parenthood
    You can always ask your doc for some free samples.... Advise them of your situation and see if they can help. I know my doc always gives me like a month or two of pills as well as the prescription
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  • Does a woman love and want an entire (100% with no compromise) control over her man?

    I mean she says she' loves ' him much,she cries,but always tells she is the only right,at what ever matters raised. Is this a real love?Does a woman love and want an entire (100% with no compromise) control over her man?
    Superficial expression of love by a woman.Does a woman love and want an entire (100% with no compromise) control over her man?
    Yes she may love him...but she has internal issues that she probably had before she met him...control issues and feelings that her world will fall apart if she doesn't have complete control...maybe there was a time in her life when she felt helpless and it was tramatic...

    She may need therapy/counseling...
    Speak up, man! You know better than that. You can not have a relationship without your point of view. It will not work. Check out my source for more info on what you need to do.
    Of course. Even men want that power.

    Nope, it's not real love. Cause if you love somebody, you don't expect them to be your slave or inferior than you are.
    Do you want her to have toatal control over you? If not tell her. Take it or leave it.

    Birth control, but no condom. What are my chances of getting pregnant?

    im good about taking the pill and if i miss one, i dont have sex for a while becuase im paranoid. I know they are effective, but there must be SOME chance of pregnancy, should I be taking more precautions?

    I only and sex with my bf and we are both negative for stds, so dont yell at me about the condom thing.Birth control, but no condom. What are my chances of getting pregnant?
    The rate of effectiveness of birth control pills is 97%, meaning there's a 3% chances of getting pregnant while on pills. Most of the cases of failure is probably due to missing a pill.

    If you're on the pill, and taking it regularly, then it is a very good form of contraception. You shouldn't be worrying too much about unwanted pregnancies.Birth control, but no condom. What are my chances of getting pregnant?
    slim to none i dont ever use condoms and my girls not on the pill i pull out but it depends from couple to couple its been working for 1 year and a half for me but you should b fine dont let people scare you just remember to take it evry day
    Hell no I have been doing the birth control with no condom thing since my fiance and I met. I hate condoms. Thank goodness for birth control pills because I would never have gotten along without em. P.S. I never worry when I miss a pill theres enough in my system to back me up.

    How does having no control over your actions makes people feel?

    are you referring to everything is destiny, therefore i have no control over my actions? if so few it simple like this. i have no control over my destiny therefore what i make the chooses i do because i am destined. (ps theres a difference for having no control and not taking responsibility) also if you change something you changed it because you were destined to change it, does that make sense. hope this helpsHow does having no control over your actions makes people feel?
    We all have choices and we need to think that way........but there is one......... ';pain'; that sometimes is difficult to see, from others, and you may take the message wrong. And it happens quite often.....without spotting it soon enough.How does having no control over your actions makes people feel?

    Wednesday, May 12, 2010

    Should a man be praised/ revered for something that he had no control of?

    like place of birth, the birth, genealogy, progeny etc?Should a man be praised/ revered for something that he had no control of?
    No he shouldn't be. All are born equal, only their deeds make them superior to another.Should a man be praised/ revered for something that he had no control of?
    wht a mushkil sawaal yaar

    Birth control, but no condom. What are my chances of getting pregnant?

    im good about taking the pill and if i miss one, i dont have sex for a while becuase im paranoid. I know they are effective, but there must be SOME chance of pregnancy, should I be taking more precautions?

    I only and sex with my bf and we are both negative for stds, so dont yell at me about the condom thing.Birth control, but no condom. What are my chances of getting pregnant?
    The rate of effectiveness of birth control pills is 97%, meaning there's a 3% chances of getting pregnant while on pills. Most of the cases of failure is probably due to missing a pill.

    If you're on the pill, and taking it regularly, then it is a very good form of contraception. You shouldn't be worrying too much about unwanted pregnancies.Birth control, but no condom. What are my chances of getting pregnant?
    slim to none i dont ever use condoms and my girls not on the pill i pull out but it depends from couple to couple its been working for 1 year and a half for me but you should b fine dont let people scare you just remember to take it evry day
    Hell no I have been doing the birth control with no condom thing since my fiance and I met. I hate condoms. Thank goodness for birth control pills because I would never have gotten along without em. P.S. I never worry when I miss a pill theres enough in my system to back me up.

    How does having no control over your actions makes people feel?

    are you referring to everything is destiny, therefore i have no control over my actions? if so few it simple like this. i have no control over my destiny therefore what i make the chooses i do because i am destined. (ps theres a difference for having no control and not taking responsibility) also if you change something you changed it because you were destined to change it, does that make sense. hope this helpsHow does having no control over your actions makes people feel?
    We all have choices and we need to think that way........but there is one......... ';pain'; that sometimes is difficult to see, from others, and you may take the message wrong. And it happens quite often.....without spotting it soon enough.How does having no control over your actions makes people feel?
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  • Should a man be praised/ revered for something that he had no control of?

    like place of birth, the birth, genealogy, progeny etc?Should a man be praised/ revered for something that he had no control of?
    No he shouldn't be. All are born equal, only their deeds make them superior to another.Should a man be praised/ revered for something that he had no control of?
    wht a mushkil sawaal yaar

    Hve you ever had alot of stree because of an upcoming situation that you had no control over?

    All the time! I am a high school senior who also goes to college so Im very stressed out most of the time. On the first day of orientation I was told about how I would have to teach a college class (this was for an early childhood class). I was so scared because Im very shy. Everyday my head was in the clouds, I was so emotionally unstable just thinking about how I would mess up. When the day finally came I did fine, it was a big sigh of relief.

    How long do we wait to use no condom with birth control?

    Hey my girlfriend is gonna go on YZW birth control and we were wondering how long we had to wait till we didn't have to use a condom thanks!How long do we wait to use no condom with birth control?
    Read. The. Booklet.

    Just to be safe (not knowing which start-up method she used), just use secondary contraception for SEVEN full days.

    Also, any time she misses more than 1 pill (i.e., two or more) then she MUST use backup as well for SEVEN DAYS.How long do we wait to use no condom with birth control?
    Wait until you want to get pregnant to not use condom- and foam with it.. The methods they have for birth control still get you pregnant, they just keep the baby from growing or scramble the contents, or the doctor opens' the cervix and you have a spontaneous abortion- miscarriage. I hate to think a baby died, but it does. Her secretions have to not be clear and not be stretchy as in egg-white color and consistency.. This shows' she is fertile. Wait that day and for three days after, as if it is dry, the sperm will die- if it is wet, a baby you will get. This is 99.99 and 9/10% effective.

    Used by third world countries, because they don't have the pill etc.
    You should always use both - neither method provides 100% protection from pregnancy, but together they are pretty darn close. Birth control can't protect either of you from STDs either, so unless you've both been tested several times over the past year, you're risking a lot there as well.

    Better safe than sorry, pal.
    ill say 2-3 weeks make sure she takes it everyday and round the same time each day, and if she does miss a day make sure she take it as soon as possible and use a condom for a week
    it depends on when she starts taking them. if she does the ';sunday method'; she should be good to go after the first day, but give it a few just to be sure. she can always ask her doctor for extra information on this to be sure. as for me, my boyfriend and i still use condoms and i've been on the pill for 8 months! we just are really not ready to have a baby and don't need any suprises! also, there is much less mess!
    Let me put it this way - if you don't want pregnancy, use both consistently. Even that isn't 100% effective. [waves]
    always use a condom with a pill. the pill is not 100%. she can still get pregnant, and the condom protects against STDs as well.
    Actually i'm a doctor and you only need to wait 4 hours. Trust me.
    You ALWAYS use a condom, haven't you been reading anything in this forum? Sex is not just about pregnancy anymore, it is about death, disease and possibly becoming infertile. Please do yourself and your partner a favor and use a condom ALWAYS. Now, if you were both virgins and neither one of you have EVER had ANY kind of sex or heavy petting with anyone else, at least 3 months of condom use. But, remember this for the rest of your life. You are having sex with everyone she ever had sex with and everyone that person had sex with, and so on and so on....

    What is a good birth control pill with no side effects?

    I am on yaz and have pretty bad side effects such as nasuea, headaches, and breast tenderness. And no I am not pregnant I took a test and it was negative yesterday. I was wondering if the mini pill was different and had less side effectsWhat is a good birth control pill with no side effects?
    Every pill affects the woman taking it differently. I took the mini pill and found I spot bled continuously. Yasmin is under scrutiny for the high levels of blood clotting being reported. Talk to your doctor about different brands and what is appropriate for your body type. It takes about 3 months to adjust to a new pill.

    I've tried Alesse and spot bled

    Tri-Cyclen gave me headaches

    Yasmin was great until they reported blood clots, which are in my medical history.

    Depo-Provera shot is what I'm on currently and aside from a little moodiness for the first few days I have had no side effects.What is a good birth control pill with no side effects?
    The mini pill is definitly not the way to go. That pill is progestin only and requires you to take it at THE EXACT same time every day. No fooling.

    If you have only been on Yaz for a short time, your symptoms sound like normal side effects that occur as your body adjusts to the hormone. This adjustment phase takes about three months and the best thing you can do is stick with it. These symptoms do go away in time, you just have to hang in there. No woman likes their BC at first.
    all birth control pills can cause all of those side effects. It really depends on your body's reaction to the hormone that is used in it. The mini pill may be better but will only be effective if you are under 175 lbs or so. Most docs want you to continue on a pill for at least 3 months, that gives your body time to get used to the extra hormones and the side effects should light up or go away. If it has been longer then 3 months I would call your doc and ask to be switched to a different pill. Good Luck
    Before I read the rest of your question I was going to write Yasmin, which I think is similar to Yaz (although I know it isn't the same). It just goes to show that different pills work for different women. You should go back to your doctor and ask their opinion as they will know which pills are similar to Yaz and which are the more different ones that might suit you better.
    Yaz has in fact been having many problems and is not a good birth control. But you should know that all birth control pills have a risk of giving you some side effects
    maybe you should try loestrin 24 fe